aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Final Fantasy Addicts

  1. SoraV
    Haha no problem. I had to share it's Final Fantasy awesomeness.
    Yeah, it does seem that we've taken up the whole conversation. ^_^; And ooh I love his red eyes. Mmm definitely a plus.
  2. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    Yep, is he royalty? The red eyes reminds me of Uchiha's Bloodline limit. Like, only the descendants of this certain race can have those eyes. o__o Man, i can never get enough of him.
  3. yami_no_miko
    Yay, Anko-chan's back ! SoraV and I were feeling a bit lonely, lately XD !
    Yup, the bishie's a prince and the heir to the throne ^_^ ! Class, don't you think ? Don't know if those red eyes of his are the symbol of his bloodline, though ... I'll try translating a bit more of the article later, promise !
  4. SoraV
    Yay, welcome back! Yeah, it was basically just one conversation. ^_^;
    Hmmm...maybe it is a bloodline trait. I dunno.
    Yes! Translate soon please! *worships*
  5. Bemused Dreamer
    Bemused Dreamer
    Hi, new here, hope I'm not intruding >_>
    And FF news! I thought that he might be a prince, the trailer has him sitting on some throne, doesn't it? Or am I just hallucinating/making things up o_O
    And the blond guy somehow looks like a mix between Cloud and Zack <3 (and yes, I'm still utterly infatuated with FF VII .__.; )
  6. SoraV
    Welcome Bemused Dreamer! And of course you're not intruding! It's always to have new people join. ^^
    I never really thought about it that way, but now that I think about it, he DOES look like them. Haha xD
  7. SoraV
    Just had a thought--Anyone else listen to FF music?
    I have mine on my playlist, I'm listening to Succession of Witches from FF8. Somehow I came to love that song. ^^; I love the ones like Never Look Back, Hurry!!, and SeeD.
  8. daoranje
    hey everybody, I'm new in this group hehe ^_^;;

    and I listen to ff music! Well, to be exact, i listen to the black mages remake of the songs (Jenova and Motoya's Cave are my favorite) ^_^
  9. yami_no_miko
    Yay, newbies ^_^ ! Welcome, welcome ! Hey, Anko-chan, bring back the cookies !

    @Bemused Dreamer : ah ah, I didn't see that, but he surely does look like Zack and Cloud XD ! With a bit of Vaan too ! Yum, nice mix :-P ...

    @SoraV : I have a whole playlist just for FF music XDD !! My fav' are You're not Alone (FF IX ost), Doga and Une (FFIX ost+), Jenova (FFVII ost), No Dream no Hope (FFX ost) and Liberi Fatali (FFVIII ost) ^_~ !
    The SeeD's one and Succession of Witches are nice too !
    (... sorry dear, no time to work on the translations right now, but I'll get back to work on them soon, promise ^_^; !)

    @daoranje : aaah, the Black Mages *love, love* ... their third album will be released soon ! I can't wait !!
  10. MyValenwind
    Hello. I'm new.
    I decided to Join this group, because... I love Final Fantasy. Why? Slashable boys of course. Well, that and awesome graphics and plots. I have to say the saga has come a long way. Teehee.
    Obviously, I'm addicted to Valenwind (Vincent X Cid), so... yeah. I love Vincent! <3
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