aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Final Fantasy Addicts

  1. Bemused Dreamer
    I dunno, I just immediately thought of Zack when I saw him with his arm slung around the other guy's shoulders >_>

    And I still haven't gotten around to listening to much FF music (DD: ), but my friend's always praising the FF: Crisis Core Soundtrack. Man, I have a whole lot to catch up on -__-;

    (Nice to know I'm not the only newbie C: )
  2. SoraV
    Welcome daoranje and MyValenwind!

    @daoranje: What are the Black Mages? Never heard of that before. -_-;

    @yami_no_miko: I never got my cookies! May I have some please? ^_^
    And take your time! I'm willing to wait for sexy unnamed bishie. ^^

    @MyValenwind: Yes, Vincent is one sexy guy. :3 VincentxCid? 0.0 I've seen that before. I'll have to check it out. =]
  3. daoranje
    hehe thanks for the welcome. "The Black Mages" is a group that (I think) Nobuo Uematsu picked out to play a more metal/synth/rockish rendition of the final fantasy music we know and love. For example, Vamo alla Flamenco (i think i've spelt it incorrectly) is normally played on the acoustic guitar, but The Black Mages play it with an electric guitar, giving it a different feel. hope that helps ^_^
  4. SoraV
    It sure did, thanks! I'll have to check them out. =]
  5. yami_no_miko
    Ok, just got enough time to translate the first lines of the FFversusXIII article (p.19), here it goes ^_^ !

    This was an illusion born from reality ...
    This country, protected through the generation by the royal family,
    while having developped a modern civilisation apart from other countries,
    was the last land where magic and sword arts coming from the crystal existed.

    In the outside world, they had advanced weapons and a modern administration.
    The battle around the last crystal
    was also the tale of the beginning of a new era.

    Sorry if it's a bit messy, I'm translating from japanese to french, then to english -_- ...
    Do you want the short article about F***itoXIII too ? Don't have time now but I could work on it later ^_^ !
    Bye for now and HAPPY EASTER, EVERYONE !!
  6. SoraV
    Yay! Thank you! :hugs: It looks fine to me!

    But I guess that means the whole point of the game is to obtain crystals? And the F***itoXIII article would be great too. But, whenever you have time. ^____^
  7. Bemused Dreamer
    Bemused Dreamer
    Thanks for the translation! <3

    Sounds interesting! I'm hoping the FF XIII compilation will be something that I can obsess over for a good number of years. And the translation seems fine to me, too

    And I would love the article on F***itoXIII, if you have the time for it, that is.
  8. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    Hello to all new members! *passes a plate of cookies* Thank goodness yami returned them or else there'll be none for others. Of course you're not intruding! I warmly welcome you! yep, in the FFXIII trailer it did mention something about the "last line of ancient kings". *drools again* he's so hot. Yeah! When i first saw him, i thought he look a bit like Cloud. That stern face. XD
    @SoraV - Of course! FF soundtracks are my tranquilizers. They calm me down when i get mad or depressed. *nods* I always play that succession of witches. turned on the volume up and then my dad told me to turn it down cause it's sort of like a funeral song, he said o_O not good.
  9. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    Aw, great! Thanks for the translation, yami-kun! Looks great. I'll come back again but now i have things to take care of. *hands yami the plate of cookies* This is for the others so don't have it all for yourself ok? ^^ be right back!
  10. yami_no_miko
    <3333 Thanks, SoraV and Bemused Dreamer !
    Don't know yet if the point is to obtain crystals or to protect one ... but sounds fun in both cases ^_^ !
    Here's a little translation of the AgitoXIII part (a bit "rearranged" since there's some obscure parts ^_^;; ...) :

    A RPG on mobile phone

    The mobile concept "AgitoXIII" is still under development. The player will incarnate a student from the magic school Pericitillium, practising every day to become a pacificator of the world, an "Agito". Via the network, inviting other users to create a party or play online will be possible. Career development, equipment exchange, release date and fee's price aren't yet fixed.

    And the little text by the screenshot :
    >By making a "blood contract" with the crystals, you will be able to unlock new abilities. One of the most important points of the system.

    Hope it's still understandable ^_^;; ...
    A pity that one will never be released out of Japan, don't you think ?
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