aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Final Fantasy Addicts

  1. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    *gasp* You guys are talking about FF7?? I'm definitely joining in! DoC!! I hope to play it really really soon. Are we able to change the characters or do we have to stick to Vincent throughout the game? Hmmzz... The Last Order!!! *drools at Zack's wallpaper* dilemma, i can't decide to get myself a PSP or a new phone ><
  2. SoraV
    Hiya Anko! Nice to see you again. ^_^ You most definitely should! And, actually, no you can't change characters in the game. Although once you are forced to play Cait Sith and manuever him through a place without getting hurt. I didn't like that part >_<;; But its Vincent, right? Who can complain when you're playing him?
    Haha, can't really give you advice on what to pick. That's your decision. :3
    Oh, I like the ava by the way. Aerith is very pretty. ^^
  3. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    Lol. Who'd complain playing such a HOT 50+ yeared old bishie?? None! Sighs... I wanna play it. Even if it's for only the first disc it'll suffice T.T Gargghh...
    Oh, thank you ^^ Yes, she is really pretty.
  4. yami_no_miko
    @SoraV : Aw, thankie -^_^- ! Long time, indeed, I'm ashamed -_- ...
    Wow, only one week ?! Must be the shortest FF in history ! But apart from that, it's still Vincent in all his vampire hotness, so ... I think I'll follow your advice and buy it really soon X3 ~

    @Anko : Yay, you're back ^_^ !! *throws confettis*
    Ha ha, same dilemma here XD ! The PSP's getting really tempting lately~
    Aww, Aerith ! I cried for hours after she died ... (why can't I hate FF girls as every other anime girls around ? That's a mystery O_o ...)

    Hey, anyone playing FFIV DS around here ? I'm addicted <3 ! Cecil's voice, yuuum~
  5. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    yami-kun!! *huggles! picks up some confetti and throw it over yami* yeah, PSP is so so tempting >< crisis core, dissidia, and tales of the world~~ almost all the boys in my school has PSP. and they're always playing naruto during classes. The good thing about PSP is that it's portable. and the graphics!!
    Ha ha, you can't hate FF girls cause most of them are the pleasant and beautiful type. Except Eiko in FFIX. =.= absolutely loud.
    @SoraV - you've finished it in a week??? Wow... must be really an addictive game. Haha.. usually the leveling takes up a lot of time. Super, sora. ^^

    FFIV DS??? Nooo! But i really wanted to try it! It's not the second part of FFIV for SNES is it but a recreation in full-3D? oooo... so wanna play it. Cecil! Owh, so hot when he's the white knight. I mean, the paladin!! he was just as cool when he's a dark knight.
  6. SoraV
    Yay, both of you are here! Welcome back, you two.

    @yami: No problem! Just glad you're back. ^_^
    Yeah, it was really short. I was really sad when it ended, I was like "NOOOO, I WANT MORE VINCENT/CHAOS HOTNESS!" But, sadly, it didn't listen to me. But the shortness was definitely worth it for Vincent~ :3

    @anko: Man, I wish I had a PSP. It looks so tempting to buy! The graphics are just as amazing as the PS2 too. Crisis Core looks really amazing too!
    It's really hard to hate the FF girls, especially since they're so kick-ass. Did you see the video Synnesai posted a while ago called Dead Fantasy? It was amazing.
    Haha, not really. I just freaked out a lot when battles came up. I would go and buy items in the middle of battles because I would run out really quickly. I always got a D ranking on item use when a mission ended. >.>; I used a lot of leveling on getting gil. And it's not that hard, I promise. You level up like 2 levels every time you finish a mission. xD
  7. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    Group hug!!! I wanna welcome ALL the new members too. Hello!! Do join in conversation ^^ Or just start a topic and we'll all join in.

    Awww it was short? Hmm but it was definitely worthit, i bet. I heard the storyline is uber nice. Lucretia!!!! What the hell happened to her. But no spoilers please ^^lll hehe..
    yeah, Dead Fantasy..as*-kicking girls. Even my sister was mumbling how nice if our girls in the real world could do the same. Hahahaha thanks synnesai! I repeatedly watch part2 of it. So so so so nice. Rinoa was the coolest.
    Owh, so DoC is played by completing missions? I see i see.
  8. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    @LelouLove - oh yesh.. who wouldn't fall for Cloud? *drools* Oh, the muscles~~ the hair~~ the materia blue-green eyes~~ *drools all over the keyboard*
  9. yami_no_miko
    ^_^ ^_^
    @Anko : Arg, don't make me cry again about Dissidia ! This one reeeally made me wanna buy a PSP, even more than Crisis Core ... Zidane is so cute <33 !! *drools*
    My best friend has a PSP too ... one day I'll steal it X3 ! Mwahaha !
    Yeah, Eiko >_< ... I didn't mind her on my first time playing the game, but the more I see her and the more I wanna shut her damn mouth up ! Good thing Garnet and Freyja are saving the girls' honor here !
    Try FF IV new version !! It's soooo great, I can't even find words to decribe it ! *Cecil fangirl*

    @Sora : Yeah, Chaos-Vincent *_* !! I drooled so much the first time I saw him in this form ! Gotta love hot demon bishies~ (too bad he didn't win the recent bishie tournament, btw ...)
    Hmm ... the more I read about it and the more DoC reminds me of Devil May Cry ... maybe because of the missions (and the over-use of items !) ... Hope there isn't monsters like DMC ones or I'll drop the pad and run away again XD !
  10. DarkSacrifice
    @Yami: I think 2-3 daysXD
    I'm really obsessed with Vincent...and hearing that heavenly voice while playing..
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