aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Final Fantasy Addicts

  1. SoraV
    @thebrokenme: Yeah I know, he does seem to have that kind of effect. ^_^
  2. SoraV
    I have news! For those who haven't seen anything about FF Versus XIII, I found an extended trailer!
    The link can be found at: http://www.crunchyroll.com/media-224...d-Trailer.html
    Although I loved the trailer, it made me think 'Oh noes, we have a Gary Stue in our midst!' but after looking into it, I found out that he's awesome. <3
    Well, I don't know if you guys have already seen it, I thought you might want to know.
  3. yami_no_miko
    @thebrokenme : Yay, more Vincent love ^_^ ! He's so damn smexy !

    @SoraV : Aw, thank you for the link *hugs* ! It's always a pleasure to see that trailer ! Damn, that new character looks like the perfect bishie :-P ! Yum ! Do we know what his name is, by the way ??
    Can't wait for that game to be released >_< !! It's the main raison I want to buy a PS3 XD !
  4. SoraV
    No problem, just thought I'd share. Oh man, you don't know either? I looked it up, too but didn't find anything. Sexy bishie won't get a name until its released?! Oh well, we can still stare at the hot anonymous guy.
    Haha yeah, me too. I'd buy it for that and KH3. <3
  5. yami_no_miko
    Oh, someone talking about KH III, FINALLY !!!
    Some friend told me recently that it was only a rumor, and that no PS3 KH would be released ... that truly depressed me >_< !
    Er ... ok, back to topic ^_^;; !
    Yeah, the guy's a real hottie XD ! Damn, I love dark bishies :-P !
    Hey, get my hands on new Famitsu scans about the game (no info on any name, though -_-), want me to send them to you guys ?
  6. SoraV
    Of course!!! I would love to see them.
    And about the KH3 thing, I've been doing research for that from what I've heard is that he's going to continue making Kingdom Hearts, that Tetsuya is slowing down on Final Fantasy a bit to continue making them. There are going to be 3 new games for different systems, and there's no release date on KH3, but they're still working on it.
    I saw an interview from some people from Disney about KH, and they said Tetsuya has no intention of ending it right now: he likes it so much. And that he's a hardworker.
    Hehe. Sorry for the long comment. >.>;
  7. yami_no_miko
    Thank youuuu !! That made my day ^_^ ! *dances happily around*
    Oh yeah ! I'm soooo waiting for 358/2 Days :-P !
    Glad to hear Nomura-san still works on that serie ! They just couldn't stop here, could they ? Can't wait to learn more about the 3 knight-like new characters (especially the one that looks like Roxas (Ven, I think) -^_^- ...) !
    Now, back to our fav' unnamed bishie XD ! On with the scans ! http://www.megaupload.com/fr/?d=JCJ9E6O9
    Looks like there aren't much girls in that one ! Yoohoo ! And the blond guy with the rifle seems to be quite the cutie too :-P !
  8. SoraV
    I know, I am definitely buying a PSP for the new game too.
    And oh my gosh, thank you! That made MY day. ^_^
    If only I could read kanji! But I do know one of them talked about crystals. Yeah, the guy with the rifle is quite a cutie. Possibly even slashable with unnamed bishie...?
  9. yami_no_miko
    Oh, no false hope about that -_- ... but true, they really would make a fine pair, those two cuties ^_^ ! *prays to Square-Enix to add slashable scenes*
    Sorry, didn't translate the whole article, I'm too lazy ... the only things I managed to understand were that the hero and his friends are rebelling against some other power, and that the hero's eyes aren't always red : they just color that way when he's fighting (possibly some curse ?) ... doesn't help much, huh XD ?
    Oh, and the crystal thingy seems to relate to F***itoXIII !
    Er ... is it me or are we making the whole conversation alone, here ^_^;; ?
  10. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    GASP! *melts~~* Gawd, he's sooooo hot. Thanks so much for sharing that, SoraV! Never seen most part of it. So I'm excited. XD Gee, i don't know his name too.
    @thebrokenme - Hello! Oh good thing yami_no_miko gave me back my jar of cookies. Here you go. ^^ Ooh, another Vincent lover.
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