aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Final Fantasy Addicts

  1. yami_no_miko
    You're welcome, Anko-chan ^_^ ! And welcome back !
    Oh, don't worry, I won't run away with it this time ! *whistle innocently*
  2. SoraV
    @Anko: Haha yeah, A Succession of Witches was my favorite FF8 song! Something about it was just so cool. ^^
    But no cookies for me? May I have some? =]

    @Yami: Cool! Hopefully we'll understand more once the game comes out. But it does explain "Agito". One of them won't be released out of Japan?? No!
  3. synnesai
    Hey guys! I have video fro you ^o^

    This is a fan video someone made ((NO - NOT an AMV ))featuring the girls from Square vs the girls from Dead of Alive. Never been one for DOA though - so Square girls represent! There's a surprise Kingdom Hearts girl that joins the fight - and my! Was I surprised!

    >>>Dead Fantasy II<<<

    Go Square Girls!!!!!
  4. SoraV

    Holy crap. That. was. amazing. No kidding.
    You always get great videos! Nice job.
    And I don't know about you guys, but Rinoa totally kicked ass in this one. Especially with Squall's gunblade. And Kairi! Dang, who knew she was so good?
  5. synnesai
    exactly! Hahah - Valor form kairi - so wicked!

    And rinoa - she was effing awesome - isn't she? ^^ Love her powers in this one and Yuna, Rikku Tifa - equally awesome - sorry DOA girls xD it's all about the Square girls ^^;;

    and yeah...Kairi...major props ^o^

    and thank you ^^;;;


    I downloaded it and have it on my iPod now TvT;; just like the lucky star video xD
  6. yami_no_miko
    Oh whao ... First thing I thought when watching this video was "O.M.G. ... it's amazing !!" ... and second one was : "There's people with a lot of free time, on Earth" XDD !
    Tifa rocks !! And Rinoa was absolutely wonderful !
    Thanks a lot for sharing this with us, Synne !

    Ah ah ... just thought that the S-E girls are the only one I like XD !
  7. yami_no_miko
    @SoraV : Here, take a cookie ^_^ ! I'm in charge of the plate, we can run away with it !
    And nope, AgitoXIII won't be released out of Japan ... sadly, our mobile phones can't connect to the japanese server -_- ... Unless I'm being pessimistic here and S-E is preparing us a big surprise ! *crosses fingers*
  8. Bemused Dreamer
    Bemused Dreamer
    @Yami: Ooh thanks again! <3 Another mobile phone game that sounds fun that will probably never come to the US ;__; (I'm still weepy about Before Crisis)

    @Synnesai: Oh, I only watched the first part/section of the video (last person to join the fight was Tifa). Thanks for the link! Wanted the see the rest of it. <3
  9. SoraV
    Yay! Cookies! *stuffs one in mouth and runs away with yami amd plate*

    Augh, no! Stupid cell phone, so much for being the largest network. *grumbles about Alltell* I'm still angry about the Kingdom Hearts game that is coming out on the cell phone! I think its called Coded. We'll never get that one either.

    Hope for a surprise! Trying to be optimistic.
  10. SoraV
    Oops forgot to thank you. Thank you yami_no_miko!
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