aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Final Fantasy Addicts

  1. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    @ricca123 - Ah, spoilers/ I knew that this 'girl with a ribbon' was going to die before i played the game because i watched the FFVII trailer first. It was included in a gamepack so couldn't resist watching it. X( It's FF!!! So then i played the game ,get to know Aeris and really starting to like her, who'd knew it hurts so badly to see her killed! It's like my favorite kitten got killed! I cried so badly. (yes, while fighting JENOVA after the scene) The saddest thing, really.
  2. winthramina
    thanks Anko Shirayuki
  3. ricca123
    @Anko - hahha I cried my eyes out at the end of 10... My flat mate thought i was insane coz she walked into the living room and Im in tears holding the controller....
    and shes 'woah, dood, are you alright?'
    and im like ' omg, -insert-blubbering-explanation-of-what-happened-at-end-of-FFX-here'
    and she just looked at me....
    heh. the ending was slightly confusing even if you'd played the game, so imagine her trying to understand... heh.
    But I turned her!! She got right into X after I played the final boss again and she saw the final FMV. She was all 'i wanna see the whole story now!!!' heh. Then she watched me play all of ffx-2 coz she couldnt be bothered playin it. heh.
  4. yami_no_miko
    @ Anko Shirayuki :Yay, cookie ^_^ !! Thanks ! *glomps*

    *tries to stay on topic* er ... yeah, crying in FF XD ! OMG, the X almost killed me ! IX too (SPOILER //first time I really thought everything ended ok, and then I realized everyone dies in the last second of the credits ...//END SPOILER) ... and around half of the VIII's ending too ! *thinks* well, I cry when it's too sad and I cry again when it's too beautiful ^_^;;; ...
  5. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    @ricca123 - X? Oh, when the part Tidus had to part with Yuna? Yeah, it was sad. He was already disappearing when he tried to hug her.

    @yami_no_miko - Here, have some more. *hands you a jar of cookies* Want a cup of tea? ^^
    Yeah, talking about saddest scenes on FF. eh??! In IX everyone died in the last second? *confused* Yeah, the part after defeating Ultimecia. Rinoa searches frantically for Squall only to find him...... Spoiler!!! Am not revealing what happen.
  6. ricca123
    lols only coz squall was an emotional retard~!!! "I dreamt I was a moron..." bwahaha.
    If squall had just listened to Rinoa from the start, he wouldnt have ended up where he did... silly fool. heh.
    Trust the man to get lost and the woman to have to search frantically for him...

    Im confused about IX too... i havent played it in a while... so I might be misremembering...
  7. yami_no_miko
    @ Anko Shirayuki : it's called cookie-corruption, dear XD ! *grabs the jar and runs away*

    Well, maybe it's just me imagining things ^_^;; ... but didn't Garland said the fusion of both worlds couldn't be stopped ? And then at the end of the credits we see both planets collide and explode, so ...
    Arg ! Now I wanna play the IX all over again >_< !! Would be my 12th time ^_^; ...
    Hey, did someone here completed FF XII ? What do you think about the ending ?
  8. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    @winthramina - You're most welcome ^^
    @ricca123 - *nods nods* But his aloofness actually makes him look cool. But kinda annoying at times. Just makes you feel like screaming at him, "just do what Rinoa and the other say, you baffoon!!"
    @yami_no_miko - OMG! My one and only cookie jaaaaarrr~! Now there's none for others!
    Oh...I'm stucked at somewhere towards the end (I think), where you have to enter that big purple thing on top of Iifa tree and fight all the enemies before confronting Kuja. I don't know where is the best place to level up. Plus, the portal to Terra's destroyed, couldn't go back there and that's a pretty good place for leveling. Been flying around on my gold chocobo looking for a location with fair exp. X( Or maybe I'm just impatient and fussy. Nope, never played FFXII before. But i did watch it, the DVD version with only the FMV parts.
  9. yami_no_miko
    @Anko Shirayuki : Aww, sowy ! Here, bought another jar for you ^_^ !
    Er ... I don't remember quite well where I leveled up ^_^;; ... fighting big green dragons on the little island on the south-west of the map, I think ! They bring around 35000 exp ... You can go kill some Belhamel too (or whatever the name of those little rams is ...) on Balt island (the one with the black pyramidale mountain on its center, near Madahin Sari), but they're pretty tough >_< !

    @ricca123 : *nods too* Squall tends to go on my nerves too -_- ... Partly because of his stand-offish behavior, but ... Damn, why couldn't he realize sooner he loved Rinoa ?? Everyone around guessed from the start and the most concerned was totally off beam until 30 hours of game ! Geez ...
  10. thebrokenme
    I don't know what it is, but that boy sends shiver down my spine.
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