aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

For all Sesshomaru fans

  1. minamino
    Jokin ow well the link xcc gave you will help hugs hmm and nice idea but no i am selfish i am not letting seesy go
    xcc he ehe eh i know we are but we will run with both sessy and At-san a hot spring wanna go to but i cant let myself tempted i am going to catch At-san with sweetschelene
    kunitsu welcome to the group ^_^ and yes our sesshomaru is very happy to have another fan
  2. sweetschelene
    @ mina xcc is busy so if we grab At-san and tie him up and wrap him in bubble wrap *whispers so we won't hurt him..sssshhh she might hear us* we can run and hide and she will never know...hee hee...see ya im back to stalking..
  3. minamino
    yes sweetschelene that is a great idea lets tie him up and run for it before xcc comes back ow hope xcc wont hear or we are in trouble
  4. minamino
    lol what is happening here nobody around were did everyone disappeared
  5. onyxpetals
    :3 meow (kitty passing through)
  6. xcc
    @Hey! Onyxpetals!

    @Mina, Because of you, I've been very busy!
    Just wait until I can put my hands on you!
    Three more weeks to go...now I'm back at the hotspring.
  7. minamino
    xcc really well i guess is a good think i can stalk At-san with sweetschelene
  8. Jokin
    woah somebody!! share a spoiler with me!! I forgot what happened with inuyasha x kagome at the end of the manga
  9. inume27
    Hi there...big ,BIG Sesshomaru fan here ...I just love the demon lord .Nice to meet you all...bows with respect
  10. minamino
    Jokin we talked about the end of the manga in the Vampire no Sekai group here is the link of the group http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/group.php?groupid=231 is in the old replays so you will have to look a little i checked it out look from page 19back words:yay. i mean 19-18-17-...ok hope it helps
    inume ow nice to meet you sesshomaru worshiper glad you joined our group
    so what do you like about our lord ?? i love the way he talks and the way he looks and the way he acts so cold to the others but deep down he is a nice person
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