aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

For all Sesshomaru fans

  1. inume27
    Well,leaving behind the way he looks(I just love his markings and long silver hair ),I like his personality...when I first "met him" I just thought he's a cold blooded killer,the bad guy. But I was surprised to see that he had such a complex personality ...he has a strange way to show his nice side and it makes you think what he's really like under that cold attitude.
  2. minamino
    yes you are right my dear welcome to the group i think the same he is so cool and always calm
  3. inume27
    My need to have more of Sesshomaru made me read a few fanfiction stories ...it's really hard to find good ones who keep him in character...if you some good ones I'm open to recommendations
  4. minamino
    he he he sorry i don't know to many because i am 17 and i cant see but look on the old pages xcc gave some links were you can read some good fanfictions with sesshomaru ow you can find it on page 9 check it out
  5. xcc
    Yes, I'm addicted to Sesshoumaru fanfic

    I have to make an effort to stop reading other's, and write mine instead. Don't tell my readers I've been doing that rather than updating, please.

    @Inume27, which kind do you like? I mean, there are some of these which are too sadistic for my taste, so I usually passed those by, but all the other ones, mostly I've read.
  6. inume27
    I'm more into romance,drama,adventure type...I'm not at all fond of sadistic or torture ones ...romance is my favorite
  7. inume27
    oh....and I forgot smut ......I like those over 18+
  8. minamino
    xcc ow no worries i wont tell anyone and i know what you mean they are quite addictive
    inume ow i like romance to but lately i started to like the torture to at least when i am tortured ow i am sure you do to bad i am 17 and i cant see anything on the forum but i have other resources were i can get things that are over 18+ and soon i will be 18 so no worries i am waiting patiently
  9. inume27
    Just a little bit more till your birthday and then you'll be aloud to read anything
    I read something on page 9...xcc recommended "Tales from the house of the moon"...I read it and I loved it...it really is a great story and I fell in love with the Sesshomaru in it....it is dark sometimes and full of drama (it will make you cry) but still a wonderful love story..it's really worth reading it.
  10. Jokin
    i got a sesshy card from a card fairy!!!!
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