About Bun...aaaaah, I still haven't read the last part of his story in Please But this series was also rather impressive Her work usually is But Tooru is just, well, I have a very special relationship to him if you can tell this about a fictional character Yuki was kinda, oh well, sometimes I disliked him really badly Poor Hikaru But yeah, the end is what counts
Canella, I only revisited my Myspace page because of her. I think Tom is my only friend there ^^ As for other works not relating to Rules or Walker universes, I really liked Moony and Nightwalk. I hope she continues both of them in the future.
@yorumiakihime: but the part (the extra chapter) in "please" is about ryuu, right?? i get easily lost in RULES and WALKER... but ryuu is hitomi's friend, and taira (hikaru) is inlove with hitomi... right? gyyyahhh, i wish "hydra" was scanlated faster, i don't understand much from 3 chapters only... and i DID read the avls in order, or else i'd me raving mad by now
@noone: Of course since I am baka and I mistaken it for Heat *slaps herselves* Hehe, I also don't know what they are doing And finally some more intimate actions would be good But I also like it very much this way. And oh by the way, that girl, do you think it's the one that Ryuu later marries?
i don't think so... she leaves... and ryuu didn't look like he was too interested. in that "please" extra, he made love for the first time to stefan (the american) and left him behind, but he didn't look like he liked it too much... yet he might be more interested in boys - he does kiss with hitomi neh... as for hikaru - he told yuki once he actually couldn't play uke to his lover - assuming that was hitomi - 'cause it hurt a lot. so hitomi and hikaru were together for a while, and that means ryuu either left them, or something happened and he turned to women again. no idea... is there a raw avl?!
Oh yeah, that chapter was really too sad Since then I really like Ryuu Well, actually Hitomi likes him a lot, uwah, I don't remember it clearly, should re-read the whole series soon But Hitomi once came to Hikaru almost crying that his friend is marrying, and with my friend we suppose he was talking about Ryuu. Ugh, and if I am not mistaken, Hikaru then had something with Hitomi... But Hitomi left him for Ryuu or something like that... Ah, really now I have my manga homework to do It's just that I don't remember detail easily Yep yep, it was Hitomi back than for Hikaru, he should them joining in the chapters 6-8 more regularly or so I probably didn't say it clearly, ne?
which 6-8 chapters? you mean, in hydra?? omg i need to wait for so long... only up to 3rd was scanlated as far as i know...
The author has a Myspace page? I searched for her name, but I'm not finding it Can someone give me the exact name to search for in members?
@AlishaCatherine: look for kanoofficial ^_^ it's a private account, so you have to be added to her friends list before you can view her posts.
@noone: If I am not mistaken, it has 8 chapters and it's from some reason devided into two groups... @Cannella: Thanks, I wanted to ask for the same question I guess I need to make an account