aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Dutch Yaoi Fans

  1. MC Denno
    MC Denno
    ^^ It was fun and yes it has been busy (cause of that delightful night)... that and in two weeks there is the Christmas recess (or holidays, depends on how you call it) and almost every professor (at least those who teach me) have the strange urge to let you work extra hard the coming weeks, before they can't reach you for two weeks ><. So I will probably won't have much of a holiday this year (much like last year or the year before that)

    oh well enough of me whining.

    So far there have been 9 people who registered for our little get together (and Sas... where is your registration OO) I am sure others will soon follow... still I will use this opportunity to shout out loud:

    DON'T FORGET TO SEND IN YOUR FORM. I AM PLANNING TO SEND YOU ALL AN E-MAIL AT THE END OF THE YEAR, ANNOUNCING THE OFFICIAL DATE AND EXTRA INFO. THOSE WHO DON'T REGISTER... don't have right to vote over the date (cause there is a second round needed to decided the date -believe it or not all the date's have been objected against.-)

    Have a nice holiday (I hope I have enough time to take a looksie on this forum (and have the energy to type a reply -this is just a precaution-))
  2. Link
    Good dear, will you be THAT busy o.0 I still have to finish two midterm papers before Christmas.... Actually we had to hand them in the week before Christmas, but we got an extension until the day before Christmas >_< My professors actually enjoy taking the papers with them when they go on a holiday with their family during winter break...

    And I believe you have to give other people a little bit more time. They still have 2 weeks before the end of the year huh... And 9 is actually quite a lot I think. And you make it so exciting... A second round of voting, it sounds like an official presidental election. Hopefully I get the date I want >_>
  3. sas399
    @ Wolfje: omg, I'm soooo jealous !!! Lots of friends around to talk about perv stuff !!!!

    @MC will PM very soon!!

    @Link: don't think too deeply about how my kids see pokemon! They are mostly raving about which pokemon they want to be, and which is stronger. Although I'm always explaining it's also about how you use your powers
    Anyway, thanks for explaining...I'm fascinated!

    @ everyone who will be going to Midwinterfair next saturday: I'll be in the Speeltuintent!!

    @Kreatio: and?? How was it?? Did you get what you wanted??
  4. Maskelle
    Sinterklaas was great for me actually. Got lots of stuff I wanted. *And everybody understood my poems this year:P* Hope everyone else had a nice time. If you didn't get enough pepernoten, you'll get some from me. One of our friends gave us 1,5 kg of them. We are still trying to eat them all but we are probably eating till spring

    @Sas I know those conversations about pokemon Sas. I always try to hold these conversations about gundams but Toran doesn't want to discuss those things with me-_- Oh and about lots of friends which you can talk to about Yaoi stuff. It does have a down side as well. Try going with Toran and her friend to movies where they don't show certain parts * Toran and her friend where screaming that they should show it. Lots of other visitors where looking really strange towards us* or going to Narnia and then they are trying to envision the very ugly guy with the very cute prince.

    I think people will take some more time before reacting on the form you posted MC Denno. People tend to do that on the last possible moment.

    @Link and MC Denno, your absolutely right about the teachers trying to make your live a living hell. I will be so glad when its christmas
  5. ChibiYunie
    Yeeey for Sinterklaas. I actually don't really celebrate it with my family. But because we somehow thought it would be nice to do something. SO.. we went bowling. Don't get me wrong by thinking that I was sleeping the last 100 years, but this was the first time bowling in my whole life. AND IT SUCKS!

    I hate it so much. I scored 8 point in total. And that's it. It always got wrong and it bounced instead of rolling. XD.

    I didn't get any presents, we actually only celebrate christmas. But I did get a chocolate letter (sp?) from granny n__n

    I hope everyone else had a very nice time ~
  6. The10thPlague
    Haven't been here in a few weeks. Stupid me, stupid me..

    I still bought quite some stuff at the boekenbeurs, actually, albeit they weren't manga. I've bought only 2 manga, and 5 other books . And all that under 20 euro's. I'd pay at least 100 euro's if I'd buy them at Selexyz', so the boekenbeurs really was bargain-buying for me xD.

    @ Toran...
    Well, I'll give you the short "summary": We met at this shopping mall, in front of a supermarket. (I've always been told to meet someone at a public place, so hence the shopping mall). After that we went to the city centre, went to one of the 500 cafés, bought us a drink etc. Afterwards, we watched a film, and well... do I need to tell all the details? Is it enough info if I say that we kissed? Last friday, he 'officially' asked me to be his boyfriend (a nice Sinterklaas-present, most definitely )

    He listens to the name "Shou-chan" by the way

    Sorry for being such a perv, but will your naked Pooh also have a 'pee pee apparatus' (to say it politely )??? Otherwise, Pooh won't be a boy. And Pooh is a boy, so he should have one.

    Well, just use your normal G if you're going to Maastricht. It won't be very much appreciated of you use a 'soft G' too much, because it'll sound too forced, too fake. But of course you can joke with it! (Just as you'll hear jokes about those "Hollanders" with their "Harde G" )

    And welcome to all new members, if I haven't said hello to you already!!!
  7. heehee
    Hullo! I've always wanted to meet Belgian Yaoi fans! So I'm really happy to find this group!!!
  8. heehee
    I've seen you meet up from time to time... I wish to join you if possible!!! I would reaaaaaaally love it!!!(well maybe what later when I know ya'll better, and you me better!)
  9. MC Denno
    MC Denno
    ^^ you can come if you want to heehee. We have a thread with a lot of info on this topic (the link is in the banner of this group... or the general message thingie... dunno actually what is is called XD)
  10. Link
    Oh kewl, its alive here ^_^

    Oh hi heehee, so you're from Belgium? Hopefully Utrecht won't be too far away for you And don't get too overexcited yet! I don't think all of us here are Belgian, we speak Dutch though >_> But I'm always happy to meet new people!

    @sas "which Pokemon they want to BE?" Haha that is so much fun. It probably won't be jigglypuff, buneary, teddyursa or some other cute Pokemon, or maybe they have read too much of your forbidden cartoon collection XD

    @ChibiYunie Poor Chibi, maybe you will do something that is much more fun the next time And I think you did pretty well scoring an 8. It was your first time anyway (oh the pressure o.0) and it is so much easier to beat that score the next time huh

    @the10thplague good dear, you lucky lucky boy I'm so happy for you that it clicked so well! Haha, first dates in public places are great, so neither of you would have the 'home advantage'... anyway it really depends on what you want to do >_> I hope it would develop into something beautiful
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