Aarin-meeting it is.... *going into full planning-overdrive* Just PM me when you'll be in the country Nihmmie, and we'll plan around that !!! Will you people be willing to pay some small amount to rent a private 'zaaltje' ? That will give me some leaway for planning ( I just love organising things )... share your ideas and wishes with me please.... either here or via PM...
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY MEETIINNGGGGGG Yes yes yes, Sas you are great. I love you alll when when when wwhen when AAAAAAAAAAAAAH *Going all crazy* :P *kuch kuch* okay, i'm okay now, so, when would u like a meeting ?
o and uhm, i have to dissapoint you guys cuz, my so cald yaoi friends (Did i say that?) yes you did. (okay) well, they don't want to join this site how terrible it can possibly get you know, it's so disappointing. well, that doesn't matter, maybe one will come with me to the meeting, although maybe we don't even want too i'll just ask:P but um, like most people (I think) are students so we all have to go to school (YAY) so, maybe if we all have vacation or something. and ofcourse if Sas can take a free time of her work very important. o i asked my friend (I have skype oooo does anybody here on Aarin has skype? it's cool) and she will come with me o and for the ones that doesn't know about Skype, it's a program for pc, to call each other, so you have to have a Microphone, ofcourse well that would be it
hii again : D you guys are thinking of meeting up? There has been an aarin meeting before and that was fun! Also in utrecht XD at a certain moment everybody was drawing porn at the station ^^ Oh and I have skype.. how does it work? Do you just need someone nickname with skype? XD
I've skype its just perfect to keep in touch with people who are a tad bit far away drawing porn on Utrecht station?! ghehe naughty minded people here on aarin...
I don't think Skype will work for this, as I have a feeling we're not all online at the same time Just look at the times..... We can use the site to discuss things.... right? Kumi-kun....tell me, how did you organise it before? Just in a café in Utrecht? Or meeting at the station and then seeing from there.... I can imagine it's good if we can go somewhere that's a bit private... I wouldn't want my college's to catch me drawing porn at Utrecht station
I wasn't the person who organzed it, but we met up at the station then walked trough utrecht to some manga shops, bought some food ate it somewhere then went back to the station and drew porn there. But I get what you mean it's nice to have some privacy! XD however a park or small cafe may work? I think many people won't even understand what we're talking about XD
Yay, i'm looking forward to it Drawing porn huh? kuch kuch haha.
What about the date (Nihmmie you know when you'll be here ?)? Kumi-kun, did they have Yaoi in Utrecht's stripwinkels? We could just randomly pick a date? I'll look for a café where we can have a bit of privacy without extra costs How many were there last time kumi-kun? An estimate will be good! And how did you all know you were from Aarin ?? Did you all wear something funny??? Or take a manga with you, carrying it in your hand?
hahahha yeah, and then keep the manga before your head so everyone of Aarin will know you are from Aarin, and other people will just think we are crazy, (that doesn't matter they already think i am crazy so:P) or maybe an spanbord (Don't know it in english:P) with Aarin on it hahahaha.