Waar woon/ben je op dit moment dan? ;O [Then were are you [living] at the moment? ]
Adelaide australia, ben daar nog wel even voor mijn studie [I'll be there for a while for my study] Dan merk je wel wat je allemaal hebt... I miss Holland!!! whèèèè [you'll notice what you have (when you leave it behind...)]
Hey!! I see new people (walking around like regular people... *scary voice* -sorry, couldn't resist ^^-) Wow, I can't wait to get out of Holland... well, i'll really miss all my friends and stuff, but the country itself isn't really all that great to me (I love mountains, and well... *looks around* not really any mountains around here!) But you're probably right: I'll miss it when I leave So, i'm back from my holiday, hehe ^^ It was really nice!! I missed my cat though... and my bird. And my rabbit too. I think the cat missed me too, because he won't leave me alone he's squeeking all the time. Awww, cute
Nooooo Kreatio *hugs you close* You're really mean to talk about leaving when you just got back *pouts* Welcome Nihmmie !!! Ooooh Australie ! Prachtig land, veel nederlanders ook Maar het lijkt me wel totaal anders dan ons kleine kikkerlandje. [beautiful country, lots of dutchies too. But it's probably completely different from our little wetland] Wat studeer je? De zoon van een vriendin van me is nu ook in Australie voor onderzoek (of wacht, hij is alweer terug ) Zie je wel Sander, ik heb dan wel geen Alzheimer, maar wel last van Zwangerschapsdementie [What are you studying? The son of a friend of mine is in Australia too for research (oh wait he's back already) See Sander, I may not have Alzheimers, but I sure have pregnancydementia]
HAAAAAAAAAI Yaoi Fans, Thank god there are more yaoi fans in holland. well i'm new on this site. (not new to yaoi though)
Hi Toran !!! Nice to see you found us here !!! So, how long have you been into yaoi ?? It's nice to know there a lot's of dutch yaoi lovers around though, isn't it ??!!! As long as they don't try to translate the stuff into dutch
Uhm let's see, how long, Uhm i'm 20 now. and i started to like when i was 14 i guess. but now i'm more serious about it. duuuhh i'm older:P
hehe, so you've been an anime and manga fan for all your life then? I just recently discovered the joys of yaoi... Oh, its exactly my one year into yaoi anniversary *yay*
yeah the sound of haveing yaoi translated into dutch doesn't sound the least appealing... Heye Toran! ehm ik studeer International Studies in het buitenland *grin* [me studying International Studies abroad] And what do you do Toran? (study/work/gap)?
I heard there are here in the netherlands, studies you can follow .. like; 'Japanologie' [Don't know how to translate that] .. To mee it seems very cool <3