aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Embracing Love

  1. Eien Blue
    Eien Blue
    yeah, what is going on? what did she do. I saw a letter of appology, but I don't know the whole deal. Anyone can share?
  2. shattered
    @Eien Blue - sensei's in trouble because she's been using professional photoshoots and magazine ads as a base of her art. the discussion thread is here http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/f28/t7...magazines.html
  3. limitedfan
    Is the Haru thread closed? I tried to post there but no place to write the post!

    It is surprising that she's being treated this way. I mean, these poses are done over and over by photographers where for models displaying products or for fashion. It is not like the can invent new poses. I doubt this is humanly possible. Plus, wouldn't what she did is considered inspiration. I mean if you are an artist and someone stood in front of you in a way that attracted your attention and you started sketching, do you have to go and pay that person for the inspiration?!

    It's also kind of ironic that Iwaki has production problems and Nitta sensei too.

    I guess if you have the time to actually look at all the different photographers and their pictures you'll find a lot of similarities whether in scenary or position of model. I doubt that they go around paying the other photographers for copying their style or filming in the same location. This is (imho) blown out unnecessarily. I think they are making her feel terrible (as a thief). Even if the pose is identical, the character, imotion, storyline are hers. Hope her company doesn't abandon her and hope that she has a good lawyer who'll search for identical images and demonstrate that what she did is just being inspired and not being a thief.
  4. makiyuki
    Haru Thread part II http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/f114/t...ta_thread.html
    The thread just got to big so it was closed an reopened.
    We have tried to not let the bad stuff spill over there. Still a place to share our love of sensei's beautiful story.
  5. Demeter
    @maki: thank you for the lj link in the Nitta thread. For the first time of my life, I'm actually thinking about sending a real letter to a mangaka/publishers. Maybe the fans can really make something after all, at least that's what I want to think^^
  6. makiyuki
    The lj community seems very supportive, hopefully letters will help. There was post today from someone who thinks Nitta sensei didn't say she was leaving...that it is a mistranslation. Wishful thinking
  7. Ruby_Alexandrine
    I hope the controversy is not going to be discuss here because I'm fed up with all the negativity and redundancy of the conversation. Now that the two threads merged, I definitely stopped commenting.

    I do want to discuss Nitta Youka's work without the interference of this controversy.
  8. noone
    looks like there won't be any new work to comment on, ruby... i am getting frustrated as hell, i could barely wait for the next diplomacy chapter
  9. Ruby_Alexandrine
    I know, noone, its unfortunate as well. Everything is up in the air. I'm not counting Nitta Youka out of the picture just yet. The Nitta threads where her work is discussed in great detail are going to be quite empty. At least there is the Yamane Ayano thread, but at the same time, I am wondering if I should frequent the forum now that there isn't really much to discuss other than YA's work.
  10. makiyuki
    I guess the only thing we can do is imagine and fantasize (sp?) about Koushi's secret and how he rescues Tomohiro. I just hope we can go back to talking about Haru eventually.
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