again @ irritating animals: I don't have a problem with a Wespe in the ühlschrank but I totally freaked out when my mom told me we have a Gelse in the house It's MARCH! Goddamnitmotherf*ckersonofab*tch!
i hate gelsen ;__; .. if theres one, theres a 99% possibility that its gonna suck my blood. those stupid viecher love my blood >__<
my blood is very loved too xD
I can continue: nobody of my Family get gestochen nur ich :o i hate those Little basterd*
for 2 years i had over 30 on my legs^^ and i mean over 30 for EACH leg i was so damn happy that those little bastar*s werent at my privates sometime i wish i could burn them ALL
lol xD. ouch i know that feeling, i had tons on both my legs when i was on a vacations ): .. with some blasen, huge ones too D:!
One Time i had a stechdings on my Fußsohle that was disguisting
sounds horrible >_< To be honest, I hate woodsplinters! Most of the time, I get them into the foot...*shudders* Sometimes I even avoid running barefoot because of "Holzterassen", "Stegen" or similar... I don't fear the grass and its animals but I hate running barefoot in civilisation (like a "nature bath" or so)
I am afraid of all Insekts and stuff its really horroble for me. If a bee or somerhing is in the livingroom - i go into my Room and Close the Doors, then i Five somerhing on the Ground, so the bee can't come into the Room through the Spalt von Boden - tuer i can't go barefeet in Grass...maybe 1 Time out of 100 momenten XD
@__@ splinters. i usually get them in my fingers >__< idk where from lol. but yea i wouldnt go barefoot on wooden stuff either D:! and walking on grass is weird too, i dont wanna zerquetschen insects cus thats kinda gross xD