aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Dutch Yaoi Fans

  1. sas399
    Aaah Kreatio, what a trauma !!! Do you need counselling??
    p.s. your dad was a bit wimpy there !! (don't tell him i said that though )

    Seems like it's just the two of us here right now.... where did everyone else go????
    OR: come back here (with your holiday stories ofcourse ) !!!!

    Never mind, we're just going to make it really gezellig here!!! *hands Kreatio a big plate of homemade cookies* Tea of Coffee? Or limonade?
  2. Kreatio
    Tea please, that would be lovely ^^
    Homemade cookies always taste better with lots of people to share them with, so it would be nice if all the we-just-came-back-from-our-lovely-holiday people would come back here and share cookies and stories!!
    That'll be reuze gezelllig!!

    oh, and sas ^^: My dad is a wimp, kind of. He says he used to be different when he was young: Sailing the lakes in a small wooden boat, *picture exiting music with a scene of a young man sailing a boat all alone*
    But now he's... well...
    *picture an old, cute man with lots of stories to tell but no action to show*

    Awwh, i'm being mean to my dad he can be totally cool!! Like the time when my brother fell off a rooftop and he went and made a picture of the piece of flesh of my brother that was still hanging on the 'regenpijp' ^^
    (that was a long time ago, when my big brother was still small)
  3. bowauf
    hi everyone ^^

    just found this group xD
    gladd to be here.

    ANd i want a cookie to *jumps up and down* ok srr i little hyper today.

    I don't really have any good vacation story's i only went to the sea for two days with some friends (naar Middelkerke). We only had some ice cream, swimming and walking around.

    Greetings bowauf
  4. ChibiYunie
    Waarom praten we niet gewoon.. Nederlands?XD
  5. Kreatio
    ChibiYunie, That's because the official rules say that we aren't allowed to talk any other language then English in the groups ^^
    I think that's because they want to be able to check what we're talking about, if needed.
    It does seem pretty silly though, a Dutch group talking English ^^ But it's the rules, so

    Hey !! Welcome to our little group ^^ Glad you're here!!

    *jumps up and grabs a plate of freshly baked cookies (always freshly baked in this group ) and hands a few over*
    Hope you like them !

    Are you going to do anything else this vacation? Any plans?

    I've just heard that my friend REALLY wants to go to Manchester, in the UK. And she can't go alone, her parents won't let her. So, I suppose i'm going to England this vacation... hehe ^^
  6. Mimos
    Heya guys

    The rule is:
    "Using other languages than English without added translations is NOT allowed."

    link to rule is here: Social Group Rules

    So your allowed to talk a few words of dutch if you don't know the translation of it / translate your whole text after you typed it in dutch (which takes a long time)

    Anyways, welcome
    So where are you from? I'm from Den Haag ^_^
  7. ChibiYunie
    I understand. I understand. But it sucks...
    Today I finally made my Death Note Collection complete.. *jumps around happy*

    I'm from Katwijk aan Zee.
    Yes, I live near the beach <3
  8. sas399
    Hi there *hugs big mummy hug*
    Welcome ChibiYunie and Bowauf !!!
    *hands fresh tea and cookies straight from the oven* carefull they're still hot

    I'm from Nijmegen....totally Vierdaagse right now!!!

    ChibiYunie:congrats on your collection!
    I'm jealous... you can walk on the beach every day *pouts*
    But I guess Mimos can go beachwalking any time too.

    Kreatio: Manchester!!! Wow...bring me back a T-shirt!!!! You know: one saying "my friend went to Manchester and all I got is this lousy T-shirt"
    When are you going?

    And i've finally found a use of learning Japanese (besides Manga, etc): I can board Japanese walkers during de Vierdaagse!!! Yay!!! *thinks a minute* Well, maybe when the kids are a bit bigger....
  9. Mimos
    ohh, vierdaagse That's awesome ^_^
    Yeah, I just live a small walk from the beach, I love going there at night

    lol, are there many Japanese walkers during the vierdaagse? o.O never new that
  10. bowauf
    I live in antwerp so a little far from the sea :s
    I wished that i lived close to it. xD

    thanks for the welcome everyone.
    *grabs a cookie. yum they're great *

    Nope I don't have any other plans yet although i also really want to go to the UK so i'm a little jealous on you kreatio.
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