aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Embracing Love

  1. limitedfan
    @ Shattered. Reading manga in Japanese is difficult because you have to deal with Kanji.

    @ noone & mifeman. Or maybe Iwaki doesn't deliver that's why the smex is short and not satisfying to Katou. (I have to disappear for a few days until noone & mifeman cool off).
  2. makiyuki
    Iwaki always delivers! I prefer Iwaki as an uke....it just seems right in their relationship.
    I have been trying for a while to read Japanese...it can me hours just to go through a few panels. And sometimes I still can't find the meaning for a word written Kanji.
  3. fannshin
    *jumping in to give my 2 cents *

    I must say that I like Iwaki as the uke as well, but I don't mind the times where he is seme. I think he is just as sexy if not more so when he is. When I first started reading the series, I was a bit surprised the he was the uke. I just thought since he was older he would be seme. But I love them no matter whose on top. But, Katou is my fav.
  4. SunlilyQ
    Wait, who let Katou out of my naughty dungeon of love?

    @fannshin: I agree. I didn't really get into Iwaki until I saw him in seme mode. True, it's not something I really care to see that often (Katou lover in me), but it's a nice change every once in awhile.
  5. Demeter
    I also prefer Katou as the seme and Iwaki as the uke.
    And actually, as weird as it may seem, I agree with noone (funny feeling ) ... Iwaki is never boring when he's the uke, because he's never really passive... while I find Katou too passive when he's the uke, Iwaki makes all the work... I don't have the same feeling with Iwaki as the uke, but that might be because there's so many more parts like this, that Youka Nitta has to change the way it's done. And usually Katou is the uke when he doesn't feel so well, psychologically speaking, so Iwaki does all he can to make him feel better.
    I would be really very happy if only once Katou became an active uke
  6. noone
    @limitedfan: what was that?!! for your own sake i'll pretend not to have heard that...

    cause my iwaki is the center of the yaoi manga universe! he can't do anything faulty. he's just too perfect!
  7. Otome
    Ok, I might get tomato thrown at me for saying this, but I find Iwaki so much, so much more sexy than Katou. (O______O) Er...maybe extremely striking hot would be a better wording 'cause Katou is sexy too. Gyah *dodges tomatoes* Anyway, I do prefer Iwaki as uke too because Katou make a good seme. What I mean is I like seme!Katou.

    Lol. XDDD
  8. limitedfan
    tip toeing to apologize, and running back to hide.
    @ fannshin: Katou is my fav too. hiding now.
  9. Sharrow96
    Iwaki always seems broody and kinda distant. Its good to seem him loose some of his reserve when he is with Katou who is such a polar oppisite and so outgoing. Iwaki is just such a droolworthy uke...
  10. makiyuki
    It would get pretty boring if Katou didn't get some love too.
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