aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Embracing Love

  1. Lent
    LOL, I wanna be the Tatami underneath Iwaki ... don't ask.
  2. Talasca
    ...anything underneath them...or between them...ne?
  3. darkparagon
    Darn, it has been way to long since I read the manga, but for some reason been here makes me want to go off and read it!

    Did not think I would pop back in here, to be welcomed by so much eye candy!

    Ok, I do not know if this is just me been perverted, or giving to much attention to little details, but has anyone ever noticed that Iwaki and Katou have almost identical penises it freaks me out, no end! <---- (I get the feeling that, this is not a good thing to post )
  4. Mifeman
    Oh, please... Those comments lent and Talasca are making my mind float to dangerous zones

    darkparagon: I feel linda i'm being stalked by you. It's the second time in a row where we add comments at the same time and then i have to edit them But wait, my comments always appear after yours, so that would make me the stalker ?

    About your question i'm not sure about it... But i plan to examining the subjects with full detail
  5. Talasca
    Hmm, good idea Mifeman, maybe I should do some Iwaki&Katou -penis examining too. And thanks for darkparagon for informing about this really interesting subject. =^_^= *goes to read some HwD smut and look closely their penises*
  6. shattered
    i just thought it was lack of 'colours' that made them look the same the difference might be in the skin tone, one of them might have it darker than the other ... theres not that many colour spreads of them smexing ^//////^
  7. noone
    i need to keep an eye on my iwaki-san
  8. Mifeman
    shattered: That was some serious reflexion Aren't we spending too much time thinking in less proper things, hum?

    noone: Let me rephrase that: " I need to keep an eye in Mifeman's Iwaki" <-- I think you intended to write this, but were slight confused

    I really like to pick on you noone
  9. Talasca
    Mifeman and noone you are both wrong, Iwaki-san is mine. x3 I'll have him tatoo Tal's piece of meat to his butt so that you all know he's mine. ...Katou too.
  10. Mifeman
    Talasca:Let me try the diplomatic approach... You get Katou and i get Iwaki... Doesn&#180;t sound bad, does it?

    pss, pss: We just have to keep this from noone *shhh*
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