Kinda weird but I did it~
Kinda weird but I did it~
Done. Good luck on your paper!
I did it ;p
hmm... come to think of it, I REALLY read too many story books :hehe:
I used to read a lot of English story books a few years back, but after getting bored of most genres, I switched to Chinese romance novels instead ;p
i did it, good luck with your findings
Finished it! Good luck with your paper!
Answered Good luck with your paper!
Completed. Hope it really helps.
I posted it on a few different formums, including a sports forum, to get more diverse results. I did ask some questions that can give me a pretty clear idea of the type of people answering about ebooks (I can pretty much guess that the fanfiction reading girls came from here, for instance ).
I agree that manga doesn't count as ebooks. Lots of yaoi fangirls though do read mm books (or gay erotica) which are mostly generally (also) sold as ebooks.
Done. ^^
Hope, I helped a little bit.