aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Forum Rules
General Rules
Main Forum RULES (TOS)

This is a Yaoi [Male x Male] forum and will not tolerate any homophobic comments.

This website is privately owned and operated. It is understandable that members have the rights to say whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want--as long as it's on their own property, within the confines of their personal space, and in accordance with the laws of the land. Members do not have the full extent of freedom of speech on privately owned forums/websites.

The owners and other moderators of a website/forum have the right and responsibility to create, establish, maintain, and enforce rules that will protect the interest of the community as a whole, AND will edit or delete messages that are inappropriate or have the potential to cause flamewars, AND will delete, ban, or disable a member's account for any reason that the administration has decided on.


  • All members must be 16 or older to join the forum.
  • However, there are sections that only 18 and over can view.
  • These forum will be listed as 18+ in their descriptions.
  • Please note that if you are caught posting in the 18+ section if you are not 18 yet, you will be given a Warning Point.
  • Do not joke about yourself being below 16 years old when you are 16 or above. Once you mentioned it anywhere in the forum and get caught, you will be presumed to register with a fake date of birth. If after your ban, and then you tell us it was just a joke, it is too late.
  • Results in being BANNED if you are below 16 years old or using fake info for date of birth registration.


  • English is the conversational language in this forum.
  • Don't use other languages unless in private (PMs), Visitor Message (VMs), Social Groups (that's country or language specified title) or when adding a full translation in English.
  • We want to keep all public content open to all members so they can participate.
  • Social Groups that's specifically for "language" or "country", are allowed to have their own language conversed within the Social Group. No English translation is needed here, and is sole responsibility of the Social Group owner if any conflicts happened.
  • Results in WARNING.


  • Creating threads for the purpose of advertising is not allowed.
  • Please use your signature for any kind of advertising.
  • You may NOT do the following:
    • Posting a link or statement that is not related to the forum and whose purpose is to direct people to another website other than aarinfantasy.com or aarinsecret.com.
    • Trying to use the forum as a tool to advertise sites, goods, services, etc.
  • Allowed links are for:
    • Any official or authorized sites that sells legal yaoi, BL, general anime or manga related items.
    • Any yaoi or BL sites that does not break any sharing rules of other scanlation teams.
    • Scanlation team links (only scanlation team that does their own scanlation or authorized by the scanlation team).
    • Host links provided (only in the Download sections are allowed or in some special cases, the title of the thread that's related to the link).
    • Links that has special permission granted by aarinfantasy.
    • You can post a thread that has link for your questionnaires/interviews that is for academic purposes, but please PM a staff member for permission which include short info on what it is about and how you want to conduct it. The staff member will guide you to where to post it best.
  • Please do not create new threads for the purpose of linking to Petitions or Polls on other sites. If the subject is of such great importance to you, put the link in your Signature. That will suffice.
  • If you need further clarification on this, please read and post in this thread: Advertising Rules
  • Results in WARNING.


  • Do NOT SPAM, troll or flood the forum.
    • You may chat all you want in specific chat designated sections but we will delete some posts if necessary.
    • Do not spam Visitor Message or Private Message with contest invitations or advertisements, unless you know that person is fine with receiving them.
  • Do NOT be rude to Admins and Mods!
    • We are not getting paid for doing this and please be grateful. Therefore, respect every staff member.
    • If you have any problems [unfairness or complaints] with a staff member, do NOT take it upon yourself to resolve it by openly telling everyone.
    • Private Message (PM) PM any Moderators especially Moderators of the specific section (look at the bottom of the forum's section for the list of Mods in charge). You may also PM any Moderators that is active in the forum.
  • Do NOT harass or be rude to other forumers and no flame wars please!
  • If you are not a Forum Support, Moderator or Admin member of aarinfantasy staff, you should not be taking it upon yourself to confront or reprimand other members of the site, whether in threads or by PM or VM.
  • The correct action to take is Report the issue that you believe is questionable or breaks the site rules by one of the following methods:
    1. Use the post/message REPORT function.
    2. VM (Profile Visitor Message) a member of staff for that section.
    3. PM (Private Message) a member of staff for that section.
  • The staff investigates and handles all reported issues on a case by case basis.
  • Results in WARNING and/or BANNING.


  • Sensitive issues such as anti-gay, military, religion and political issues etc... it usually invite flame wars.
  • Shota and yuri hate threads are NOT allowed.
  • Infringing on a person or a group's equality - gender, class, race etc.
  • Pointless quizzes that's not yaoi/shounen-ai related.
    • We won't be too strict on this so there are some we will give an exception if it is very interesting.
  • Requesting or sending of illegal file sharing - commercial software.
  • Straight hentai materials in anywhere of the forum, including sending/sharing of it is not allowed.
  • Results in WARNING.


  • Quoting pictures are not allowed in the Photo Album section.
  • Picture size allowance: No limit. Big pictures posted will be auto resized to a thumbnail. You can now "Click on the image" to view the picture. You can also browse all the pictures in the post upon clicking at one of the pictures.
  • Do NOT post real life nude or pornographic materials.
    • This includes, but is not limited to, pictures, avatars, signatures, and links.
    • Genitalia/breasts are forbidden.
  • Results in WARNING and/or BANNING.


  • Do NOT create multiple accounts!
    • This includes family/friends sharing the same computer or on the same IP.
    • There's no excuses for making two accounts! But if you must create two accounts (very special case only), PM the Admins (aarinfantasy, kriptonima, kriska22, Miko).
    • All multiple accounts are treated as impersonation of another person, cheating, and various purposes not approved by this forum.
    • MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES: Do not impersonate as someone or pretending to be someone you are not - to cheat feelings of people, making false announcements or do something that's not acceptable by this forum. This is a reminder on what you should NOT do and if it's a personal issue thing, please handle it outside of the forum, as forum staff will not waste their time on personal issues. Remember: Don't trust anyone entirely over the Internet.
  • Results in WARNING and/or BANNING.


  • No 18+ images!
  • Avatars
    • 120x120 pixels (height x width) for regular users and 130x130 (height x width) for Contributors, VIPs and Admin/Mod.
    • 30 Kb limit for regular users and 45 Kb limit for Contributors.
  • Signature Pics
    • NO MORE THAN 250 x 500 pixels (height x width)
    • 300 kb limit for uploading through aarinfantasy.com. There is no limit for this if you upload it from external host sites.
    • 3 image limit (Which should fit to the above rules together). Precisions: You can have 3 pictures side-by-side of 250 height as long as they do not exceed the maximum 500 width combined and likely you can have 3 pictures under each other with 500 width as long as they do not exceed the maximum height of 250 together.
    • MAX of 3 smilies or 3 small pictures that's within 80pixels (height) x 500 pixels (width) in total (this is not included in the 250 x 500 pixels limit).
    • Please do not hotlink the iShop cards in your signature. If it's a wishlist card, write in text about it or text link to your Card Wishlist.
    • You are allowed to hotlink or put up cards that is similar to iShop made by yourself or other people, but please keep it mind that this is part of the 3 smilies rule.
    • Do NOT hide oversized pictures under spoiler tags
    • Do NOT post images of genitalia/breasts, real life porn or shota sex.
    • Please do not post a huge empty space in your signature. If that happens, please correct it or a staff member will correct it for you (assuming that's accidental copy and paste error).
  • Total Signature Size must be of reasonable height and width. This includes the text in the signature space, please be reasonable with the number of lines you used for text (we did not set any limit rule for this as most people's signature has no problem with text space issue). A staff member will put your signature in "spoiler" codes if it is too long, so be sure to fix it.
  • For more examples on this, please refer to: Signature Rules and Specifications
  • Results in WARNING.


  • No 18+ images!
  • Do NOT post real life nude or pornographic materials.
    • This includes, but is not limited to, pictures, avatars, signatures, and links.
    • Genitalia/breasts are forbidden.
  • For Profile Intro image, please do not put an oversize picture. This is not convenient for people who browse your profile page. Keep it at a decent size like 600x600 pixels (suggested size). You will be notified to change it if we find it's too big especially the width size which you should keep to 600 pixels.


  • Roleplaying is NOT allowed.
    • This includes cybersex, adventures, worlds, etc. (We had RP section in this forum before but it didn't work out because of many disputes and arguments between the RP-ers)
  • Advertising of any RP website is allowed signature.
  • What can be allowed:
    • Simple gestures such as hugs, kisses etc.
    • Calling someone in the forum such as "mom, dad, son, daughter, senpai" etc. as how Aarin Family or Aarin Buddy people do.
    • Light jokes that are not harmful towards or accepted by the intended person.
  • Results in WARNING.




  • Please use this system for legitimate purposes only. Legitimate here means helpful posts. Not for chat or greeting purposes.
  • Do NOT:
    • Form a reputation circle (Friends repping each other back and forth).
    • Give reputation for the sole purpose of repping the same person.
    • Offer reputation as part of a reward to incite people to participate or join in anything.
    • Ask for reputation. This includes, but is not limited to, signature texts, VMs and threads.
  • Further clarification on this: Reputation Abuse Update and Reminder


  • The Rules and Guidelines for Social Groups, Profiles and Albums can be found here.
  • Results in WARNING.



What is NOT allowed:
  • Sensitive issues such as anti-gay, military, religion and political issues etc.
  • Shota and yuri hate posts.
  • Infringing on a person or a group's equality - gender, class, race etc.
  • Requesting or sending of illegal file sharing - commercial software.
  • Do NOT post real life nude or pornographic materials.
    • This includes, but is not limited to, pictures, avatars, signatures, and links in the blog.
    • Pictures of genitalia/breasts are forbidden.
    • Links to directly download porn videos are not allowed. This includes gay porn downlaod videos links. Staff members reserve the right to remove any link that is deemed as gay porn download.
    • If there's further request on where to download or any questions about getting it/show pics, bloggers can interact via PM about it.
  • Results in WARNING.


  • Ask questions in appropriate sections and post wisely!
    • We will move topics that do not belong in that section.
    • Intelligent posts usually gives a good image of yourself and earns respect of other forumers and/or reputation points.
    • Do NOT abuse the post count system by posting few words comments meant simply to raise your post count! Also, do NOT revive old and dead/inactive threads for the same reason. Abusive posts will be deleted.
  • Help whenever you can, even if you are not a Mod. Actually, that's how we select our staff members.
  • We have to be a little strict now with this forum to keep it safe, fun, and a better place for everyone.
  • Please do not look at us as a scary bunch of Admins or Mods! We are really really crazy and a fun bunch.


Warning/Ban System
  • You will be given points for Warning/Infraction (usually 1 point). Certain warnings or infractions will expire. Upon collecting 5 Warning/Infraction points that haven't expire, the forum will auto-ban your account. Certain ban will expire too depending on the severity of the offense.

Please note the following:
1) Warning is the same as reminder, and will appear in your profile page which only you and the staff will see it. It does not carry any Warning Point value. It is for the record of the staff.
2) Infraction means you get Warning Points. These Warning Points can expire depending on situation. It will appear in your profile page which only you and the staff will see it. It is for the record of the staff and please be sure not to accumulate too many 'active' Warning Points, it will lead you to being banned temporarily or permanently.

Warning/Ban Appeals and Reporting:
  • You may appeal to Staff email if you think there's a mistake somewhere for some reason. However, please note that if you really did do or say something that's against the rules, the warning and ban will stay eventhough you think you are right. This is a forum that has its own set of rules and please do not compare with another site, we are all different. Rules are there for a reason. So I hope you will instead embrace it, and just don't do it again as we usually give friendly reminders.
  • We never want to use them as a way to punish or embarass you, treat warnings as reminder and temporary ban as a break from the forum to think things over. That's why all Warning Points are never shown to public. Only you yourself and Mods/Admins can see them as a note.
  • Permanent ban is only issued when we have decided that you keep on breaking the rules or refuse to listen to a staff reminder, or if it's age issue.
  • If you still think you are right after everything and hates the staff decisions, I think this forum is not for you. If you really love the forum or some people in the forum, you will know what to do.

From 25th July 2006 onwards, all links to Gravitation series and OVA has been removed from the forum. The licenser company wishes everyone to buy from them instead of downloading from here. So please support them by going to Right Stuf | Anime, Manga and More @ Right Stuf.
For breaking above rules you may be warned/banned appropriately!