ynotmakecupcakeswithcoffeeflavourinsteadofsendingu normalcupcakeswithspilledcoffeexD
omgwtfhappybirthday!!ithinkiwasthrowinguponyourbir thdaysoiforgottocongratulateulol perjet?itsnotlikeuwillgettoseethejetxD
Lolthenitwouldntbeanythingspecialifiwouldsenditbyj etwouldit?xD
whosaysitsfast.ineedsalandingspotandidoubtitcanlan dinfrontofyourdoorsoyouwouldneedtogototheairportan dtothejettogetit!
Yeah, so I like Skittles but the orange & yellow ones always end up as leftovers. 1/3 of my jam jar is full of it. It's a small jar though, 8 cm diameter. Whoever wants them I am willing to send them your way.
OMG, skittles do want!! Send them over to Sweden <3 kthx.
If only international shipping wasn't so ridiculously expensive! o: