aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Irritating or interesting topics

  1. melon321
    Nooo, I mean normal like, Milka's white chocolate. I can only find "high class" white chocolate lol ):

    Strawberry, jogurt, white, coffee chocos are the best!!
  2. Stecher
    the best is the one you put on cakes xD
  3. melon321
    lol, are you talking about Kochschokolade? Isn't that normal milkchocolate then? xD How boring ): (though it does taste good xD.)
  4. Hudbroza
    nope nope nope Kochschokolade is totally different from the normal milk one!
    Trust me, the difference is big enough >_<

    (and I also prefer that one ^^)
  5. Stecher
    that or the pudding my mother makes xD
    the next time when i make a party i will try to convince her to make some
    movienight excluded because she is on vacation xD
  6. Hudbroza
    aaaaaah, that's why xD I wondered....
    It IRRTATED me, that someone would watch Braindead while their parents are in the same house/apartment. (Lilyan's mum excluded xD)

    Nono.... there will be VANILLEPUDDING for this special occasion.
  7. Stecher
    i have him at home but i dont know how to make it^^
    oh before i forget a good asian can deliver us something to eat^^
  8. melon321
    oho. you have HIM at home? :D

    also, swedish guys are super tall. i think the average height of guys is much higher than in austria, at least thats my impression xD
  9. Hudbroza
    @melon: does that count as irritating or interesting? ;P
  10. melon321
    I think that's interesting! In Austria it felt like goodlooking guys were always smaller than me haha xD
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