aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Dutch Yaoi Fans

  1. MC Denno
    MC Denno
    Hello everyone,

    this is your friendly event admin :P. I am here to warn you all that you have until comming friday (3 July) to register for the swim meeting that is held the week after that. So please send me a pm if you want to go asap.

  2. Erian
    @Link: there already is a new thread, so no worries
    oh I can't wait till the swim meeting ^^
  3. MC Denno
    MC Denno
    Hey everyone,

    I'm here to remind you all that you can still register for the canal pride meeting on the first of august. You have until next Friday to register (so 17 Juli). Please do so, if you want to come. And for all you people short on cash the boat parade is free and you are not required to buy anything, (except perhaps a train ticket) so it can be a fairly cheap day. Though of course food can cost you some, if you want to eat that is .

    Hope to see you all there,

  4. Kreatio
    Hello! ^^ How's everyone?
    I just came back from Rome (yay) and am now going to Australia the day after tomorrow *is broken already*
    Annoying thing: I don't hope I miss any important news about future meetings! *sniffles*

    @ Erian: Ohh, I wasn't able to climb the st. Pieter for a very interesting reason: A great great master of a thunderstorm passed as I was there. So, as a welcome relief, we danced in front of the st. Pieter in the rain... until it turned into a hailstorm, which hurt ^^ *grins*
  5. Erian
    Swim meeting was great ^^ *glomps Dili and Migz*

    @kreatio: *glomps*
    waaaaai! ^^ I hope you had fun, though that dancing in the rain (and hail XD) sounds like fun already ^^
    did you get a nice color over there? :P
  6. MC Denno
    MC Denno
    sounds cool. And euhmmm... I don't think Kreatio turned yellow when she was there oO. Though I hope you did get a nice tan there , despite of the hailstorm. And perhaps that was a message from God XD, he wants to see happy gay people dancing in the rain in front of his big church XD
  7. Erian
    @MC: That's gotta be it! :P
    but what about the hail then? or were there homophobes dancing along? :P
  8. Ysmn
    Haaaay all you dutch people, nice to meet you!
  9. MC Denno
    MC Denno
    hello ^^, welcome in our midst. And perhaps, either that or the pope was trying to stick his head out of the window. Let it be clear I don't have anything against the pope. A famous writer made this great comparison once: life is a theater and there is no greater example then the church. And every theater needs to have a 'jan klasen' and in this case it's the pope. He blesses flowers, water and scooters. He says some things that are expected of him, but beyond that he should be completely ignored XD.
  10. Erian
    @Ysnm: welcome ^^
    @Mac: XD I so agree :P
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