aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Australian Yaoi Fans

  1. Nekoboy
    Welcome! xD
  2. waterbaby12us
    Hi everyone~~~ Didn't realise there's so many aussies on aarin ^^
  3. Nekoboy
    Welcome to the group waterbaby! ^^

    And wow, 72 members now!? That's pretty awesome
  4. r3wind
    Anyone going to Animania? In melbourne...?
  5. YoLing
    sydney-ers anyone? ^^
  6. 1Yukielric1
    I went to animania melb....I was selling some artwork there and cosplayingf as Gokudera from Hitman Reborn.

    Anyone going to avcon in july or any other upcoming cons?
  7. captivated
    @1Yukielric1: i'll be at avcon next weekend ^_^ will you be there too? are you cosplaying?
  8. 1Yukielric1
    OMG YES I'LL BE THERE THIS WEEKEND. Sorry it took a bit to reply. I'll definately be cosplaying. On saturday I'll be Rukudo Mukuro TYL Version and on sunday I will be Sora Kingdom Hearts 2 version with a Riku with me
  9. captivated
    wow, i remember! you did the skit with the teddy bear? your costume was amazing! did you have fun? i thought avcon this year was amazing, 3000+ people & the change of venue made it so much bigger & better! i was dressed in sweet lolita both days. i was so impressed by how many more lolis & cosplayers there were. i was disappointed that the yaoi panel was cancelled tho. what was your favourite part of the weekend?
  10. 1Yukielric1
    My skit had the cardboard cut out Riku....which was decapitated. It was great!!! I made a few more friends there...though I wasn't feeling all too healthy. Yeah there were a lot of Loli's this year!!! Yeah...that sucked but it was fair enough because of what happened the day before...which I don't think I'm allowed to say except that the police was involved and had actually harrassed one of my male mates who was dressed in loli. I loved the cosplay comp on sunday and the madman comp (which I was also in). I didn't see much. Oh I also like the sumo contest. I went in that and versed Roxas.
    What parts did you like?
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