Okay after using Ccleaner and regcure everything seems to be all right again ^^
and hopefully it's not going to change XD
thanks everyone for your time! ^__^
Last edited by kumi-kun; 10-11-2008 at 05:14 PM.
Yes, that sounds like it, although it should usually be gone after a computer reboot. Maybe try to exchange the keyboard and see if it's defective, I don't think it's the mouse, it might be related to the keyboard as well.
Oh, prob seems to be solved already. Thread will be closed then.
Re-opened thread at member's request~
I forgot to edit my post because actually the problem is not solved
some keys are still acting strangly, like my CTRL button ^^
what I tried:
resetting the settings as flordep described
looking at the 'touchy key's' that wasn't it
using regclean and ccleaner (recommended on google)
virus/spyware/etc check
take the plug out and plug it in again
You said that the mouse you got was very new. Is it connected at a PS-2 port or a USB one? Your keyboard would be a PS-2 one most probably, considering it's a pretty old one. If this is the case, try removing the mouse and working the keyboard then. And vice versa as well. Does the problem still occur?
Otherwise, is there a problem with the memory usage? Maybe the RAM is getting completely used up in some other programs, or there's a bad distribution?
okay it seems like my keyboard was just broken
I have a 'new' one now and everything works perfect ^^
thanks everyone for the help! I really appriciate it