aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The only weeping I want to see is from a weeping cock!

  1. dharmaserenity
    Ok, I'm guilty of this or was really bad with this when I first wrote fanfic, but what's with all the weeping in fanfic? Can you name the last time you cried with tears? Hmm... *thinks* It's been awhile for me. So why do so many ukes cry more often than a kid that's dropped his/her ice cream cone? What's with all the weeping?!!
  2. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Ahhhhhhhhhh, well, the number one (and really only) complaint about my "Please Forget About Me" fic is ... the part where Bya-kun cries.

  3. Arigatomina
    It's Barbara Cartland's fault!!! If you know who she is...

    When I have a dream where a loved one dies, I wake up with a wet face from crying in my sleep. Usually I only cry when I'm extremely frustrated, and I don't like to do it then because my nose gets really stopped up and I have an awful headache afterward. I'm more liable to cry from anger than sadness.

    I used to have my ukes turn on the water works all over the place. It was an easier way to show sorrow - flip, water flows - than to describe the feelings causing that reaction. These days I shy away from it because "boys don't cry" and "strong people don't cry" and "only cliche ukes cry". If someone cries, it's usually the seme because no one will accuse me of making *him* girly just because I let him have human emotions now and then.
  4. Grawsparrv

    ...I keep telling you people; it's because a lot of female authors sees themselves as the uke (I think) and can't live with having the (male) uke as strong character. This is something cultural, I think. Even modern women thinks that males are stronger. *idiots* So, the one being taken (as in U.K.E) has to be in character = weak. *tssk* As if women where that weak and horribly stupid.

    So, do enlight me...

    ...did any of YOU crie when you lost your virginity?


    I _didn't_. So, I don't get it... Cry? While having sex or after having sex? *shudders*
  5. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Oh I would never write a character crying during sex, unless he was reliving some sort of trauma from a previous experience ... for example, if he had been raped and were trying to now enjoy the experience with a partner he trusts, but the PTSD makes it impossible.

    Only time I let an uke cry is when he thought his lover of seven years was going to leave him. And in the story, he had previously lost a wife who didn't love him (okay, fine, it was Byakuya ) so when a few tears started coming, I let them come. Of course Byakuya never acknowledges that he's crying, and it takes Renji to notice the tears on his face, or else the reader would've never even known

    In the current story I'm following (and tooootally in love with!!!) the "uke" (he is uke for now, but he will be seme with the one he really loves) is experiencing his first time in bed, and I think she handles it AMAZINGLY. No tears, but the terror is just (literally) written all over his face:

    Opaline, a Kyou Kara Maou fanfic - FanFiction.Net

    It's the last couple paragraphs.
  6. Grawsparrv

    Hm, the lovely ghost of post traumatic stress... yeah, that one is a *****.

    Ok. I _hate_ seeing people cry while having sex - be it at movies, in books or IRL. Well, there are those BDSM-folks, of course... but, normal non-kink-sex is something supposed to be _nice_... *sigh*

    Besides, if certain _person_ - 'cause YES, people - the world ain't divided inte semes & ukes, THANKS the gods. So - if a certain person is having so much trouble with being able to even be intimate enough to have sex - send him/her to a shrink.
    Believe it or not; such a person isn't strong or steadfast enough to fall in love with. *shudders*

    Anyway, Artemis... your post made me think about something interesting. You know how many girls scream their eyeballs out if a guy ask for analsex. *lol* They think (know?) that it's painfull if they aren't prepared or careful, etc.
    So, back to my idea of women writing about "the uke" as in it was themselves in that very possition... wouldn't that make them write about the whole analsex thing as FAR more scary as if it was a ramdom het. couple having sex for the first time?

    Just a theory of mine
  7. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    So, back to my idea of women writing about "the uke" as in it was themselves in that very possition... wouldn't that make them write about the whole analsex thing as FAR more scary as if it was a ramdom het. couple having sex for the first time?
    I don't think so.

    Many of these girls are probably writing without having had a first sexual experience of their own, either. They then project that fear onto their fanfiction. It's the old Beauty and the Beast scenario. Girls are afraid of sex and afraid of men, so they use stories to surpass that fear, since it is (was) inevitable that they would eventually be married, and probably not to a very kind and understanding husband.

    I think an interesting experiment would be to examine the het stories written by young girls and then to look at the yaoi stories written by that same age group. Generally speaking, is the woman in the het story less "traumatized" by her first sexual experience than the uke in the yaoi story?

    God this is seriously making me want to change my dissertation topic!!!
  8. Grawsparrv

    I think that some people believes that analsex is the same as pain, and if you let yourself get "taken" that way, then you somehow get turned on by the pain. Hence all those tears and then the "Oh, this is sooo scary...!"


    Ok. So, they write about things they never been through, you say? So, then the uke IS the scary little girl... *wails*



    Oh, damn... why don't you go for it, then? It would be... epic. A nice little research, a lot of facts revealed.

  9. invidqueen
    I finished a couple of manga where the uke and seme were more on par as far as size, and there wasn't too much weeping and wailing going on. Gentleman's Kiss vol 1 and 2. Love Control vol 1. (vol 2 is coming out any day now) It was nice to have the passion, jealousy and fighting going on with both parties appearing as adults. I sometimes feel like I'm watching a child being abused when the uke is a fifth of the size of the seme and is crying most of the story.
  10. dharmaserenity
    I hate it too when they exagerate the size difference between the uke and the seme. Half the time I'm thinking, "how is that little guy supposed to wrap those skinny little hips around that big behemoth?" It's not physically possible lol.
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