aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Prince of Tennis Addicts

  1. eiri
    Does anybody know the title of the instrumental song they usually play during a match? It's the one that sounds like a techno.
  2. MiRiNHa
    @eiri: I'm not sure. But I think is the song "Play" from ost 1, no? o.o
  3. eiri
    Quote Originally Posted by tiny
    I'va always thought that echizen and tezuka is an awesome pair ^^ , I was surprised when there was alot of echizen and momo senpai ,
    I think that would have to be due to a scene on episode 70-ish errr...I can't remember the exact episode, but Momo didn't want Echizen to leave, and he dragged Echizen with him, when he was supposed to be alone with Tachibana's sister because they had a date.

    Quote Originally Posted by MiRiNHa
    I'm not sure. But I think is the song "Play" from ost 1, no? o.o
    Hmm...I'll check on that.
  4. inuwolfram
    is it bad when you just made your 4th amv of the same pairing XDDD (just made another amv of hiyoshi x gakuto pairing and on youtube there are six or so XDDD I feel a little lonely on my otp)

    tiny: in the last few episodes momo cried for echizen so it was probably due that too XDD (I like the pairing XDDDD)
  5. Arigatomina
    @inuwolfram - You can never make too many amvs for a pairing you like. Especially if you're the only person *making* vids for that pairing. I say knock yourself out. And kudos for finding enough footage of those two to make a single vid, let alone multiple ones. I had a mind to do a Kamio/Shinji vid once and had to turn it into a general Fudomine vid instead for lack of footage. I can't imagine trying to make a vid featuring Hiyoshi. o.o;
  6. Arigatomina
    Re: MomoRyoma

    I saw that pairing in first episodes. The first time they encountered each other it was like something out of a shoujo anime. Sakura petals, them in their school uniforms, Ryoma looking up at him all cool and saucy, Momo arching an eyebrow at the cute taunting new boy. It was like seeing Toya and Yukito for the first time. So obvious. Then when they did the "Ah-Un" it became clear how versatile they were (though Ryoma does get the "Un" more often, he's younger so he should be uke more often). And then came Momo's brief absence and Ryoma's concern for him, aww, here I thought he was in denial. By the time we had Ryoma's little America thing in the anime, it was just rubbing the obvious into the ground. Silly.

    Note that I'm a firm TezukaxFuji or TezukaxAtobe fan. Plus I can't pair Ryoma with anyone but Momo, Kaidoh, or Shinji without it looking too "father/son" shota for me. He's just too small and young looking compared to most of the 3rd years who look like they're in their 20s to his 15.
  7. eiri
    Oh and it also makes it easier to think of Momo x Ryoma as a pair because they're always spending time together.
  8. inuwolfram
    arigatomia: thank you ^_^
    eiri: although I started to try to avoy picturing their dates... for some reason they all ended on macdonalds doing something.... XP
    I once saw a douj of ryoma x kaidoh that I kind of liked a lot XDDD (although I was completely cracked with the end of that doujinhi, because they switch with kaidoh saying "You can do it to me too..." it was so sweet)
    The pilar pair had been on my mind lately, since I've been studying economics (something like that) and it's kind of boring I was half asleep and my teacher said "... pilar of agriculture of the ..." and I blinked and started to sing for myself
    "Old tezuka had a farm, ya ya oi...
    and in that farm he had an eiji, ya ya oi...
    it nya nya here nya nya there hoi hoi everywhere
    ..." better not to say the rest, is too idiotic
  9. Chikaru
    I come for a visit... Since it's a leap year, it's 29 February today. So, er... "Happy Birthday, Fuji Syusuke!". And people, nice pics. Thanks!
  10. MiRiNHa
    o.o That's right. Just yesterday I was thinking: poor Fuji, he has to wait so long to get birthday presents... So, Happy bday, Fuji. /o/ I hope Tezuka show his love for you today.
    [I make it sound like they're real... But it's because I'm imagining Shirotan and Aiba] S2
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