aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Prince of Tennis Addicts

  1. Nnoilalala
    sujasmine~ Inui juice isn't that bad~ the recipe I tried tasted alright. Seigaku are just wusses

    Last Rain~ no worries, not like he ever loses!
    yes the OVA's are awesome~ I love the extra added part about BeGo-sama's hair <3
  2. kurorinslvr
    hi everyone i love POT, my fav pairing is The Pillar Pair. Tezuka and Ryoma are my babies ^-^
  3. crystal_yuy
    Yay! PoT!! =p I'm a big fan
    You don't know how many time I've re-watch the TV series lol
    My favorite pairing is the thrill pair (Ryo/Fuji) <3
  4. kunitsu
    @blu: That pairing is so cute, it amuses me

    Be awed by ore-sama's prowess *faints* I love Atobe
  5. Nnoilalala
    kunitsu~ *faints as well* Atobe fangirl here too~ *squee*
  6. Chikaru
    Now, I'm watching the OVAs.

    >> eiri: Great to know that I'm not the only one.
  7. eiri
    @nekogal Hmm...come to think of it there are so many possibilities in PoT that I can't seem to hate any pairings at all! And come to think of it, you can interchange everyone with anyone because they have a very good bonding, even with the ones they hate. I love the love and hate chemistries between couples.

    Oh and I find I'm liking Atobe with episode I'm watching that he's in. It must be that mole.. I think it's tempting me.

    @Chikaru It's never too late to watch anything especially PoT. Heck if it's only possible I never want it to end.
  8. Nnoilalala
    eiri~ not me.. I hate any pairing with Ryoma and anyone other then Kabaji with Atobe X.D
    but other then that I agree for the most part. I'm all for crack pairings X.D
    a lot of times, after finding the pairing you find all the hints for it

    YES THE MOLE! god how I love the mole's song~
  9. tiny
    Im still real sad that prince of tennis is gonna be finish very soon *wah cry* I love that anime so much it made me get into tennis haha ^^
  10. Nnoilalala
    WAH I don't want it to finish~
    I hope they still keep doing the albums though.. and the bromides and games and myu's
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