Eh? What's FFXII International? Is that the Japanese version of the game? I only know the Job System from FF Tactics, and since FFXII takes place in the same universe as FFT (the Ivalice Compilation) I guess I'm not surprised there's that in FFXII. The Zodiac aspect was just kind of the individual character elemental thing though. Ah, sorry, I dunno, I just play the games I buy from the stores in person that therefore is compatible with my game systems xD
@ Anko : Aww, lucky you *o* !! Heard you could choose even guest characters as leader in this version ... please, tell me : how's Larsa when riding a chocobo XDDD ?? *totally obsessed* Hmm ... is your PS2 an american version ? If so, then you need to use a special disk to read japanese games on it ...
The first Final Fantasy game that I've played was actually X-2. It was ok but personally, I thought It was too girly. I loved 8 though. Im so use to the new style of videogames. But with FF8, anyone could easily forget what year it came out and fully enjoy the game itself for its realization of character personality and story plot. I think it would be really cool if they remade the game so that you could actually hear the characters and play as them in the PS3.
@Mellusia - Here's more info bout it.;title;3 Ara? FFT has Zodiac system too? *runs off to google it!* I prefer buying my games in person too. But this one is given free from the store where my PS2 is bought at. Lol giving me games that they know can't be played. =.= Yami-kun! Naw, I can't play the game. It says on the disc "made in Japan, for Japan only". And the NTSC code is for Japan. I think the English version isn't out yet. (I think) Sorry dear, I couldn't play the game so I dunno how does Larsa look on chocobo. But I can roughly picture it. ^^ Hmm yea my PS2 is American version. It can read games in japanese but cannot read games from certain regions. For some reason, my PS2 can't play my PS1 games!! I sooo wanna replay FFVII and FFIX on it! Hullo UkairiRitsuka. ^^ Haha yea I also think FFX-2 is a little girly. Reminds me of Charlies' Angels. But it has a lovely storyline. it'd be nice if there's ff8 remake.
i personally think ffx-2 was awful and thought it did not deserve to be catagorized as a final fantasy game. My favourite FF game would have to be FF9 but i dont know many people who like this one
Well, the Zodiac system in FFT is more like elemental. You are a certain Zodiac sign and such and your attacks do more or less damage depending on which Zodiac aligned character you attack, and you receive more or less damage depending on which Zodiac align character attacks you. I found FFX-2 unnecessary to be honest. FFX ended conclusively even if it was sad for the Tidus/Yuna fans, but it still ended. Now I heard there's CONFIRMATION that FFVII and FFX are connected; that FFVII takes place after FFX all because they mentioned the Lifestream in FFX-2 and there's a boy named Shin-Ra X_x I managed to buy FFT:WoTL for the PSP and I'm really excited about playing it! I loved the PS1 version, so the PSP one with the anime scenes and voice overs should be interesting. I still wanna get Dissidia when it comes out though; I just wish there was a confirmation date. GameStop said August 31 I think, but Square confirmed it was wrong. I suspect somewhere around July but we'll see >_< FFIX is one of my faves! I LOVE Zidane! He's so positive and supports everyone, but he has his own emo side too :3
Has anyone managed to watch Advent children Complete yet? :O
I watched it! The fight was epic, even better than the original. I also played the FF13 demo. Pretty cool battle system although some aspect is annoying me already but they'll probably fix it for the final release. @kuroiyuki: FF9 would be my personal favourite too. I wasn't a big fan of FFX-2 either cause personally, Yuna annoys me like no tomorrow.
I'm back! Whew... It's been a tiring couple of months. ^^ I'm really missing out a lot of FF. I can't find Dirge of Cerberus. Why is it that when I don't need something I always see it and when I really need it it just disappears. X( Right now I can barely wait for FFXIII and FFVII AC Complete. @Seto - You're soooo lucky to have played it! ^^ What aspect is annoying?
Whooo! I pre-ordered Dissidia! It should be here...I'm not sure O.o I'm hearing August 25th, but I dunno...