aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Final Fantasy Addicts

  1. Himmelmez
    Our group picture looks awesome
    Ah yeah, anyone played Dissidia yet? It's so great... I hope the Eng version is coming out soon ^_^
  2. Dez
    Hello, there!

    My first FF was FFVIII on PS1. I loved it so much that I went and played FFVII and found that I loved it even more than VIII. :3 From then on I was hooked. I have played everything from FFV - FFXII (though I was sort of let down by FFXII...) and am now playing Dissidia while I wait for FFXIII. <3 <3 /squee, flail/

    My boyfriend and I are going to be cosplaying Zack and Tifa at KatsuCon15 with my best friend, who will be Aerith. I even have a true-to scale FFVII vers. Buster Sword. (dance) I can't wait.
  3. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    FFX fandubbed.
    Mild foul language and lots of humor. C-c-can't stop llllaugghing.
  4. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    FF Dissidia soundtracks and from other FF in torrent files.

    @Mellusia - >_< Hmm, yeah. I went to some FF fan forums, I've read fairly lots of bashing comments on FFVII. Seems like they somehow got "turned-off" by all those additional stuff. I don't think there's anything wrong with it though. I mean, if I see in a director/producer's point of view, I'd want people to know more about the story I produced with my teams. I'd want development on the characters and keep them alive. Maybe I would try to earn a high profit but it won't be wholly just that.
    Yea, so agree with you. ^^ I'm sure fans would want their fave FF to have a sequel or prequel too. FF8 actually has some plot holes so it'd be nice if there's a sequel for it. But then Square'll have their hands full.
    Oh Yes, FFX is really nice too. :nod: I've quite forgotten the story. Interesting battle system.
    you must beat FFXII. Everyone is saying it's nice. And then get your copy of Revenant Wings. XD
    I read sources saying that Fabula Nova will take place in the same world but in different parts of the world with different concepts that is why all three are labelled FFXIII. Then there's another source saying that it'd be in different worlds. I see that the three FFXIII have one thing in common and that's there are modern machinery everywhere even Noctis' sword comes with an engine! And Lightning's gunsword. Any ideas?

    @Dez - Hullo there! WOW you're so lucky you get to play Dissidia. Tell us about the game, like the battle system and controls. XD Lol and a cosplay! *big grin* Will there be pictures for us to see?

    @Himmelmez - *waves* Hi hi! Eheh, we'll be changing our group picture maybe weekly. ^.^ Hmm we're all dying to get our paws on Dissidia. English Dissidia will be out maybe in July! I wonder who'll be voicecasters. Dez here has played it. ^^
  5. Mellusia
    I know! FFVIII had a lots of gaps I'd love to know about :O

    The FFX story is really interesting since it's focused around the summoning aspect. FFIX was kind of like that, but not as much :3

    But FFXII is soooooooo hard for me >_<

    The license board really kills me though and makes it so much more harder O.o

    But since I got a DS, yes, wanna get Revenant Wings =D

    I read in an interview that was posted on a fan site that the 3 games, the only real similarity between them is that the stories will all have a base concept about a "crystal", but otherwise is rather different O.o
  6. yami_no_miko
    (wow, I missed a lot while I wasn't around ... I'm lost ...)

    Hmm ... I just finished &#212;kami, and I can't decide which FF game I wanna start again now XD ! Maybe VIII, or XII ~ I'm in need for some Larsa-cuteness <3 ~

    @Mellusia : Good luck with Revenant Wings >_< ! It's waaaaaay harder than XII, I'm still stuck and can't finish it ...
  7. Hisoki
    heeey everybody! new member to the FF-Group!! *bows* please take care of me! ^.^

  8. Mellusia
    Hello Hisoki ^^

    Hey, has anyone checked out the Japanese site for ACC yet? There's a new trailer up for the movie

  9. ahgreg
    It's the new Blu-ray release of the Director's Cut. SOOOOOOOOO many new scenes kyaaa!!! I wanna buy!
  10. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    ACC looks soooo cool! *runs around the room!* Can't wait to watch the full movie. (it is a movie, no? )
    Oh right, I got the FFXII International : Zodiac Job System kinda for free. I dunno if it require some cracking or the disc got problem. I can't play it. =(
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