aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Final Fantasy Addicts

  1. Libbit
    @Anko: Thank you for the welcome~<3
    Well I haven't played all the games (yet..;3), only I, II, VII, VIII, X and X-2 ^^ So far I think I like VII and VIII the most (I love the installments they made for VII!!! X3 Ordered Dirge of Cerberus a while ago and I'm saving up for a PSP to play Crisis Core )
    Nyaaa~! I wanna play FF XIII/VersusXIII too~! But I'll never be able to save up for a PS3
  2. AnimeJousama
    OMG! I love FF!

    I'm currently trying to beat FF XII, but I don't have the patience to leveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel uuuuuuuuup! It takes so looooooooooooooooooong!
  3. spirited_soul
    @AnimeJousama - It doesn't really take that long. Also the benefit is that you can choose the creatures you wish to fight.
    What level are you? Why not go after some elementals?
  4. Bleamo

    I just joined since I'm a FF addict-o. Hehe.
    I love cloud, he's so awesome.....and cute.
    My favorite FF installments would be between FFX and FFXII. I love the story lines and just almost everything about them. Haha.
  5. Kumaguro88
    Yey for FF!! I've played FFVII, VIII, IX, XII, and just started X.
    I'm also (stuck) on FFVII: DoC. I love it, but I just suck using Vincent's weapons. Enemy is too fast!
    My aim is just horrible

    <3 I'm so waiting for FF XIII/VersusXIII... I'll wait till then to buy me a PS3.

    I also want to play Crisis Core, but my parent's won't buy me a PSP, they say I already have too many games, and it's weird to see a girl playing "violent" games

    I added a few pics from a magazine I have ^^
    I hope I did this ok.
  6. Libbit
    @Kumaguro88: I know your pain! XD I tend to freak out every time a hoard of enemies comes suddenly attacking and I never have enough time to take a proper aim! haha! I just bought the game a while ago and when I first started playing I would forget which buttons to press and I'd start panicking and running around like an idiot! lol XD

    @Bleamo: Hello~! ^^ Welcome to the group!
  7. Kumaguro88
    Yeah, I used to do that, run around like crazy, or get close enough and use his jump/melee attacks on the enemies, but then after practicing, I got better at using his guns, but when I got to the semi-last battle, the enemy is so fast, I just die T^T
    I stopped playing like a year ago, so now I got less chances of winning 'cause I dont remember how to use his weapons again
  8. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    @Bleamo- Helloooo! Welcome to the group~ ^.^ I love Cloud too How I wished he's real~

    @Libbit - Oh, how nice! ^^ I haven't tried DoC yet. T.T Haha.. you'll get better in it I'm sure. x3 Happy playing!

    Hi, Kumaguro88! Can I call you Kuma-kun? >.< Thank you for the pictures! I especially love the Dissidia one. ^^

    @AnimeJousama - Hey there dear. I agree with sprited_soul. Leveling really doesn't take that long. Although it might be boring once in a while but once you're through and get to watch the scenes it's really worthit. Try turning off the game sound and play your favorite songs while leveling.
  9. Kumaguro88
    ^^ Sure.
    I got the pics out of magazines I bought at an anicon.
    It also came with a DVD But I can't play it... diff codec regions.

    Doesn't everyone wish all them hot characters were real?
  10. RajaJugaro
    Ah, Final Fantasy.. <3 How I do loveth thee.
    My favorites are currently Tactics, IX, and Crisis Core. (Zack is so amazing <33 )
    I've played I, II, VI, VII, FFVII CC, FFVII DoC, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, Crystal Chronicles, Tactics(WoL ver.), Chocobo Racing, Chocobo World, and a few other random ones. I intend to get the rest in due time, as well..
    By the way, does anyone know if there will be an english release of Dissidia?
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