aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Final Fantasy Addicts

  1. Mellusia
    Has anyone played any FF games before FFVII? I love FFVI myself ^^
  2. yami_no_miko
    @Kats : Aww, sorry dear >_< !
    Here's the link for the last FFXIII and vsXIII scans with Snow (according to those guys, he might be the new Shiva ... O_o) and the one with Noctis : http://www.ffdream.com/news-2834.html
    News scans for AgitoXIII (there's quite a few) : http://www.ffdream.com/news-2844.html
    And a bunch of images for the three Fabula Nova Cristallis games : http://www.ffdream.com/news-2845.html
    Hope the links will work ok this time ^_^;; ...
    Ha ha, glad to see you liked it XDD ! I just looooove College Saga ! A friend of mine show them to me, actually, and for that ... I'll venerate her till the end of time X3.

    @Mellusia : FFVI is soooo great ! But my fave remains FFIV (both the old and new version) ~ Cecil's such a bishie ~ <33
  3. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    @yami - Omg College Saga is super hilarious. Cracked. Hahaha thanks so much for sharing. And the links too. And hugs to your dear friend who introduced it to you too!
    Ehhh?? That Seifer guy, Snow, is a Shiva...? =.= hhmhz... that'll be so interesting. Man, now I really1000000x wanna play all the newest FF installments. >.< Noctis~~ <3<3 omg Noctis in tux. *swoons* And Stella, she's so pretty. ^^ Noctis is pronounced just Noct/Nox? The katagana spells No-ku-to.

    @Mellusia : Yesh, FFVI is <3.. I really like the story line. The ending is the sweetest. ^^ It'd be nice if Square-Enix makes a part-2 movie. I wanna know how is their life after defeating Kefka. Especially Terra's life as a human.
  4. yami_no_miko
    @Anko : he he ... glad you liked it ^_^ !
    I think Noctis is nicknamed Noct, 'cause the girl's name is Nox and we can't have both characters going by the same name ... But yeah, Noct-chan in tux ~ *drools* Though he would look great in everything -and even nothing X3 !-, I think ;-P ~
  5. katsbrainwarp
    Yami: thanks for re posting the links. I watched the preview for XIII. It looks so prety. I can't wait to see AMVs for it.
  6. Mellusia
    Eh? I thought the female in FF vs XIII is named "Stella"
  7. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    @yami - Humm... How are Stella and Noct related? They seem like siblings since they have pretty similar abilities and Nomura-sama mentioned there won't be any romance. But that was an interview bout 2 years ago, maybe they decided to change the plot, who knows. Anticipating! i'd like to see Noct with nothing on. i've seen only his nude shoulder. *imagines~*

    @Mellusia - The girl's full name is Stella Nox Fleuret. Noct and Nox is almost similar, since that the meaning of their names in latin are both portrayed by 'night'. Hmm.. not so sure. Let's ask french pro, yami-kun ^^
  8. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    Snow's full name is Snow Villiers and he controls the Shiva sisters, and rides them when they're in their motorcycle form. So is he not the new Shiva ? FFdream is in french i'm having hard time finding infos. >.<
  9. Mellusia
    Ah, well, I don't think Stella is gonna be referred to by her full name that often xD

    Oh, so Shiva has been split into more than one summon, like the Magus Sisters O_o

    To be honest, I didn't like how they made Shiva part mechanical; I like thinking of her as the beautiful ice goddess too good for humans xD
  10. yaoifanboy17
    Isn't the main chracter in FFXIII named Lightning?
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