aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Final Fantasy Addicts

  1. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    Hi, kats! That's okay. You can start a topic on things that you know and share with us. Or throw us some questions!
  2. yami_no_miko
    Aww, newbies~ ^w^ Welcome here, guys !

    @HentaiHanyou : FFvsXIII *_* ... I'm so buying a PS3 when this game will be released !! The prince is just perfect~ Yay for 3D bishies !

    @Lalaboyz : FFIX's my fave toooo !! I never got the courage to rename my chara, though ^_^;; ... except Garnet, her name in french was Dagga and it sounded so awful that I gave her my name, he he X3 ... got some pretty interesting dialogs at the end~ <3

    @Kats : Nah, it's ok if you don't know much ^_^ ! Just knowing FF's enough ! If you have questions, dun hesitate to ask !

    @Anko : Me, eating whole the cookies ? Of course not 0 *innocent eyes* ~
    Wow, I can't even imagine finishing a FF game in 48 hours O_o ... you're my god ... Even the IX at my 12th play took me 2 weeks to reach the final stage ! But I had college going on at the same time ... couldn't aford to stay on the PS2 for the whole day ...
    And yay for cosplay ^w^ !! Wish I could dress as Yuna one day -_- ...
  3. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    Yeah, Garnet asked to be renamed to Dagger. But that was such a funny name for such a beautiful girl. So i renamed her back as Garnet! Aaallllll through the game she was Garnet and never Dagger. you told me to kill off those rams for good exp in FFIX and i did. I finished the game in 2 days thanks to you! But gosh, those rams are soooo annoying. Totally hate the comet attack and especially sneeze and virus! Hehe.. God? I'm no god. I'm just a FF MANIAC. hooohohoho~
    Good! *pats on yami's head* so we have cookies for everyone! Hmm speaking of cosplay, i'd like to cosplay as Sorceress Ultimecia *.* but man, the hairstyle is impossible!!
  4. katsbrainwarp
    I do actually have a question. I watch AMVs on youtube. And I think it's FF-X. there's a part in the game i guess where Yuna is Marrying some guy, then I guess he ends up throwing here off of where they get married at. Why is she marrying someone else if she's suppose to be into Tidus? And why does the other guy throw her away?
  5. yami_no_miko
    @Anko : Aww, happy I was of some help 'bout that ^_^ ! But yeah, those rams >_< ... If you don't manage to kill them instantly with Odin, you're in for a hell of a fight ! I HATE their Sneeze attack !
    Wow, cosplaying as Ultimecia ... I can't even imagine how much time would be needed to sew her dress -_- ...

    @Kats : Well, the other guy in question, Seymour, is the game's bad guy, actually ! So he kindda marry her (by force) because she's a well-known summoner, like some kind of political marriage, you know ? But then Tidus & co screw the ceremony up in their attempt to rescue Yuna, they got captured, and Yuna jump into space from the balcony as a diversion so they can manage to escape. (I sooo <3 that scene !!)
    I ... think that's about it, but I haven't played FFX from quite a time now and I may be forgetting something ^_^;; ...
  6. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    @yami - yeah, Odin really helps! I kept my fingers crossed for every summon >.< so devastated when Odin misses, having to deal with those MONSTERS. And squeals with delight when Odin kills off 3 rams. Awesome exp and instant leveling! (and gil! $.$) Ack.. never spotted Ultimecia cosplayer. Maybe i should just be Rinoa.

    <spoiler alert!!> Oooh that scene. I had goosebumps watching that! From the scene Tidus and co sort of surfs down from the ship to when Yuna summoned Valefor. (fly~!!) *.* I don't remember why did Yuna agree marrying him. For the sake of 'Calm'?
  7. katsbrainwarp
    Thanks so much fo clearing that up, not the AMVs kind of make a little more sence.
  8. yami_no_miko
    @Anko : If ever Odin miss, you can still try using Vivi's Hades magic (dunno if I got the name right ^_^;; ... at least that was it in the french version), but if Vivi's down >_< ... ! I try beating up two rams without using instant deaths, with just normal spells and attacks, and I got massacred in less than 2 minutes ...
    Hmm ... come to think of it, never saw Ultimecia cosplayers either ... there's a lot of Yuna, Rinoa and Aerith every year, though !

    @Kats : No problem ! Could you share the link with us, pwease ? I wanna see too ~
  9. katsbrainwarp
    Yami: This one shows it, with the song it threw me of.
    Here's another one if you have a sense of hummor for FF.
    I didn't make any of these videos. I just ove watching them.
  10. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    @yami - Hades?? Vivi has hades magic? Lol! Funny, never seen it before. How do i get that? Is it a passive or active skill? You survived for 2 minutes is already great! Hmm... my normal attack was... Nah.. I definitely can't survive with just normal attacks. I'm always using chimhazzard and Zidane's ultimate trance. *.* Super!

    @kats - fuehhh~ girl on tv.. the song mix is great!!! It synchronizes with the clip. but... i'm confused with the 1st link. x_x it says, "video not available"
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