aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Final Fantasy Addicts

  1. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    *waves* Alo, boyz ^^ Welcome! Hmm~ FFIX huh... I like it as my second most favorite actually. I love the story line, battle system and of course the characters. Love the way the characters turn around and walk comparing to FFVIII (so stiff >.< almost robotic) What's your reason that you like it? ^^ Ah of course, Cloud... Well, you could cosplay as him. =P
  2. HentaiHanyou
    Thank you for the welcome people! And yes Anko Shirayuki, I would like some cookies ^_^ what kind are they?

    YES!!! Blu-ray and super special awesome graphics! Which means more realistic looking pretty men... Which means easier fantasies... =P

    And lalaboyz, I don't think it's too controversial - I loved 9 too =D though I couldn't get into 8... It just wasn't my thing...
  3. lalaboyz
    Anko Shirayuki - haha thanks for the welcome, i love the story line too, its so cute, and the characters are cute although they have really big heads haha, i think cause i really liked the characters for some reason... you know what i cant even remeber the names of them though... cuase i went and changed all haha :P how sad.... haha cosplay, omg... i so would wear his clothes they are so hotttt rrrrrr but i wouldnt have any idea where to find them... *brainwave* maybe i should make them! haha so which is your favorite FF?
  4. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    @Hentai - chocolate chip cookies! ^^ We have sandwich type with different flavors too. Which do you prefer? =) Ooo yess... the realistic facial expressions and the super detailed texture! Even the lines on the leather gloves looked so clear. *.* so so much clearer than the one in Advent Children! Add that to Sony HD plasma TV. With surround sound system. Absolutely breath-taking.

    @lalaboyz - Yeah, the characters have pretty oversized heads but they still look so adorable. Especially Garnet, the princess. And Zidane! If you couldn't remember the names, don't hesitate to ask us. ^^ Anything about FF from A to Z and see if us know. Hahaz. Cloud's outfit? Hmm... I think you can get them by request? But that'll cost you. but, oh who cares. All that matters is the joy of cosplaying!
    My favorite FF? I love them all. But my most fav has to be FFVII. XD i've never come across any RPG that is so... so... I dunno. Couldn't describe it in words. It is just so amazing. I guess that's why there are so many versions of it.. Crisis core, Before Crisis, Dirge of Cerberus etc.. Awarded best game of the century with best storyline.
  5. lalaboyz
    haha garnet! see i changed her name to trinity... cause i thought it was pretty, haha, and the little dark mage... i called him nasu... cause i thought he looked like a eggplant in clothes :P haha omggg FFVII i never really got the hang of that version i found it really hard to play..... but i know its like the most loved version, i never really got past the first stages haha im not a very good gamer i guess... yea clouds clothes would be way expensive, i saw a naruto jacket for sale in the shop, was like 200 bucks, but i wanted it... hmmm but never bought it haha
  6. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    haHA! now that you mentioned it he really does look like an eggplant. His name is Vivi (girl's name =.=) I never liked renaming characters. It is cause i like to stick to originality and i really wouldn't want to forget their given names. You know, just in case i have to refer to online game guide and i'll get confused. FFVII was... when i first played it i do get stuck a few times. but i get through all of them eventually. Takes time. Was a RPG noob back then so it took me about 3 weeks to finish the whole game. This game, as you get through it towards the end, you'll find dropping the controller one of the hardest thing to do! Now i've played for... 6 times i think? I finished the game for the 6th time in less than 48 hours. Hahahaha all monsters even the last boss couldn't match with all legendary and secret weapons. (speed leveling using epsexe ^^) Ask us if you're stuck next time
    Hoho... Cloud is a top pick for cosplay. I have never shopped for anime costumes so i'm not so sure but i think it'll be expensive seeing that there is the accesories and that bulky thing on the shoulder. Hmm... Naruto jacket? Wow.. imagine using that as daily casual wear.
  7. Thundur Hospital
    Thundur Hospital
    Lol. On the subject of renaming your characters - man am I upset that feature is lost in today's games. I can't tell you how much I had a blast at naming Cloud "my penis" and Aeris "my ass". I got me some rich lolz from those dialogues.

    ...Well I guess it'd be rich lolz for an immature tart as myself.

    Immaturity HO!
  8. lalaboyz
    haha lol, lol thats pretty funny

    anko - i was worried i would forget their names as well, so the first time i played i didnt rename them but after i was like what the hell play again give then cuter names haha omg... 48 hours is just crazyyyyyyy your eyes must be square by now la.

    stupidaquarius - lol imagine someone who didnt play was watching you play, and the dialouge comes up lol, im sure the would give you some interesting glares lol
  9. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    @StupidAquarius - Total Lol-ness. i never thought of renaming the names like that. Ha ha... what a great idea. Those dialogues could instantly cheer me up, like "Stop that, my penis!!" Hahahaha!

    @lalaboyz - o.O ic.. i remember playing my first FF (FF8), and i couldn't resist renaming the characters too when i had to replay it. The name Squall sounded pretty funny to me back then so i renamed him to a "normal" boy's name. Can't recall what was it. Haha... yep. 48 hours. It was school break so i played leveling the characters until around 4 a.m. Epsexe's speed-up gaming really helps. XP Square eyes?? Dunno bout that but i'm certain that my degree has increased by 50!
  10. katsbrainwarp
    Wow you all know so much about this, I thought I'd be able to keep up but I can't.
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