aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Final Fantasy Addicts

  1. SoraV
    @Anko: Yeah, definitely worth it! The storyline makes up for its shortness. Oh, I loved Lucrecia! She is definitely one my favorite FF girl characters. To not spoil anything, she basically comes back in flashbacks, explaining the experiments from Jenova on her and her connection with Vincent and why she feels so bad about it that she locked herself in mako. Can't tell you much more than that without spoiling anything. ^_^
    Man, I can't wait till the 3rd one of Dead Fantasy comes out! Why is the creator taking so long?? ;_; Yeah, Rinoa was awesome! With Squall's gunblade and wings she's the best!

    @Yami: I know! Yes! The fangs. The eyes, The wings. Everything! I was rooting all out for him in the Tournament! Sadly, Soubi won. Really? I've never actually played DMC. I always thought it looked cool, but never got up to buy it. What's it about? Maybe I should go see if I can get it.

    @Dark: Yes, the heavenly and husky voice! So great~ I especially liked his Turk voice. It was less rough than the present Vincent, but still oh so sexy.
  2. yami_no_miko
    @Dark : Wow, you're even quicker than SoraV XD ! Congrats !

    @Sora : Not that I hate Soubi, but ... he doesn't stand the comparison with Vincent, damn it >_< !
    I looove DMC <3 ! Even if it freaks me out XD ! It's some kind of action-RPG mixed with survival-horror, actually ... but let's stay on subject here, we can talk about it via PM if you want ^_^ !

    OMG, Vincent's talking ?! Now I really have to buy it !! *runs to Youtube searching for vids*
    And yay for Rinoa in Dead Fantasy ! (though Kairi kicks ass too !) Can't wait to see if Garnet will appear in part 3 !
  3. yami_no_miko
    ... btw, some french website made a classification of the 20 best game villains ! And guess who's number one ? Yup, our dear Sephiroth ^_^ ! And Kuja's 10th !
    You can find the whole article here (in french, sorry ^_^; : http://www.jeuxvideo.com/articles/00...46_dossier.htm
  4. HentaiHanyou
    Hi! New to the group! So please, treat me kindly ^_^

    Favorite FF? 7 - as if that was the most original answer ever LOL. But I love 9 too. And 12 was awesome! Can't wait for 13/verses/agito to come out! So much happy smexy goodness... ^_^

  5. DarkSacrifice
    Heeya hentai welcome!

    @Yami: hihihi Yes I'm ....but omg that voice you really should listen to it ...it is soo damned...hot! I love it
    duuh of course sephirothXDXD

    Did you guys know that sephiroth had been chosen for the evilest person in game blablaXD....Can't remember in what but still...love sephiroth

    @Sora: you actually liked Lucrecia??? omg I fcking hate herXD
    I mean after all the pain she put our poor hot vincent trough...I really really dislike her!

    Also...Reno's voice is so hot....btw reno's voice is axel's XD duuh....both redheadsXO
    I love redheads!
  6. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    Nyahhh!! Zidane is Dissidia! I went and watched the trailer on youtube. Sooo cool. He's still as cute but there's just something about him in Dissidia that makes him looked so... somehow "matured". Owhh i love the voice! *cringe cringe* i-want-PSP~~~
    I watched Crisis Core too (i had 5 windows opened for that >.<) poor Zack... *sniffles* and Cloud was so adorable that time. He didn't have that rough jaw yet. Lolx.. and Sephiroth!! Did you see the way he grinned at Genesis?? *swoons~* Oh yes, number 1 bad guy. Not to mention so good looking. Yay for Kuja!

    @SoraV - owh i see.. Poor Lucretia. She locked herself in mako?? Is it in that "Lucrecia's Cave"? NOW i really really really want to play DoC. =.=

    @Dark - It's true that Vincent has suffered a lot because of Lucrecia but i can't help thinking that without Lucrecia DoC wouldn't exist nor do Vincent Valentine. He might even be just a side-character if he hadn't have such a tragic background. Ha ha...

    Welcome HentaiHanyou! Want some cookie? ^^ yami, you didn't finish all the cookies, did you? *stares with suspicion =.=* Ooo... ffversusxiii for PS3. I heard the game will be in blue-ray disc. Super high-definition and awesome graphics~
  7. katsbrainwarp
    I'm a huge fan of Advent Children. Never played any of the final fantasy games but i love watching their AMVs on youtube.
  8. DarkSacrifice
    @Anko: Yeah still that stupid girl sucked...Vincent is too good for her and so is Sephiroth..
  9. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    @Dark - Lolx now you made me dislike her. HAHA
  10. lalaboyz
    hi everyone, i just joined! hmmm i've go something controversial to say! my fav FF was number 9..... haha I havent met anyone else who has ranked it as their fave as well... but yes... Cloud is too cool.... Way too cool... i wish i was him.
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