aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Final Fantasy Addicts

  1. SoraV
    Oh! I came back and I didn't notice your reply, .tokiko. I'm sorry! ^^;; I'm not really sure which one it is, but I'm looking it up now. It's been a really long time since I've played and I don't quite remember what happened. I know that it was a little bit after the place where you play the notes on the stone organ to get by the forcefield and then you have to fight another boss to get past the path. That's all I really remember, but not much after that. I'll check back on my game when I get a chance to.

    And Dirge of Cerberus was amazing! I was just sad that it was so short. The only reason I survived through that game was because I constantly used items. It took me a while to get used to shooting. xD
  2. RikuRiku
    HIYA'S I am here to join the ranks and support FF I don't know where to start on FF....the first one I ever played was Final Fantasy 7 so I guess you could say Cloud stole my heart *melts* he is awsome but then I also like Vincent o.o
  3. .tokiko
    @Sora and Dark: Even though it was their first shooting game I enjoyed it. A little easy and repetitive, other than that I enjoyed it! And Sora if you figure out which boss I'll help you out
  4. DarkSacrifice
    And really really short...I have to agree with that sora...
    It was easy indeed...even if you played the very hard thingy...
  5. fayt
    well, I heard that FFX-2 is just a fan service. It's not ment to be a real spin off for the FF series.

    I didn't finish playing Dirge of Cerberus, but I like the song very much. Oh my, it's Gackt!
  6. yami_no_miko
    Damn ! Hearing you guys talk about DoC, I'm seriously thinking about buying it >_< ! I like shooting games (and I LOOOOVE Vincent, that's not a surprise X3 !), but I heard the game in itself was quite difficult ... or so it seemed.
    But my Gawd, Gackt's song *_* !!! *drooling* Anyone saw the PV ? I'm effin' love it !
  7. yami_no_miko
    Ha ha ... didn't read DarkSacrifice and .tokiko's posts ^_^;; ... so for you it was easy ? How long was it to complete the game ?
  8. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    Whoo... what did i miss?
  9. LelouLove
    New here ;D I became a fan after I watched FF: Advent Children xD So I guess it was Cloud who got me into fandom xD
  10. SoraV
    Welcome LelouLove! Glad you could join us! Haha, I'm thinking that's what got most people into the fandom. ^^ Personally, mine was Squall.

    @yami_no_miko: Welcome back! Long time no see. ^_^ I thought Dirge of Cerberus was fairly easy, even though I suck at shooting games. It only took me about a week to finish. But I thought it was worth the money. It's a great game and I highly suggest it. :3
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