aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Final Fantasy Addicts

  1. Teef
    Just Finished playing Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (Yeah, yeah took me awhile I know). loved it but the ending was a little anti claimatic for me. lol. At least now I can stop hating Arieth. *Dodges randomly thown fruit* I said STOP hating her!
  2. lunaticpandora
    @Teef I still haven't played it ^_^;; I shall try to avoid spoilers
  3. Teef
    Oh really? You should. I won't spoil it for you then, lol.
  4. .tokiko
    Yay a FF group!! I just beat FFvii..again. (The really old one for ps1) XD. And just beat FFX about 8 times. I recently got FFX-2, but im not sure that I like it. .
  5. Hmmm123
    Hello~I'm new here!
    Honestly the first game I played was ff7(played this 4+ but I couldn't get all the secret items and such) and Cloud stole my heart!! I love him! After that I was hooked on playing ffx(I played this 3x), ffx-2, ff12(I haven't finished this yet), Dirge of Cerberus-FF7, and Crisis Core (finished this and going for 2nd time)! My second fav is Tidus, and recently Zack from crisis core. I love Final fantasy.
  6. Saralegui
    Gaaaaaah I really want my PS2 back so I can play Final Fantasy 12 to the point where I'm losing a kilo a day and my head feels like it wants to implode! Well, 2 more months I guess ^^

    @.tokiko Hm... FFX-2 was a little 'meh' for me as well, but it was still entertaining enough for me to play over 4-5 times or more...

    And GOD I hope the series never ends, it's just too good to end~ It's one of those things you KNOW will just keep on going and going because the audience for it is just so huge.

    Oh, that's right! MOOMBA CARD PETITION! Vote for a new Moomba card NOW! We need one desperarerarearetly!! Who doesn't want that cute little ball of firey fur in their inventory!? They're just so adorable I can think of cuddling one 'til I die!

    GO MOOMBA CARD PETITION! *Power ranger pose*

    (Long live FFv13 \o/)
  7. ebonypistol
    Personally Cloud was the one who really did it for me. His persona and character were just too much fun to mess with, and i loved his instability and ability as a character to grow. I played VII six times through now just to see every part of his character.

    oh, and IX was better then VIII (although I loved squall and Laguna)
  8. Riddler
    i love this game/ franchise completely and when asked i always say "i love them all!!" but if pressed to elaborate on a specific one i'd say it was a no-brainer and i'd choose 7 any day!

    my favourite characters:
    Reno FF7
    Vincent FF7
    Vivi FF9

    i love the Moomba... its so kawaii!

    now here's where i show how much spare time i have (a.k.a i have no life) i have completed FF7, from start to finish, a grand total of 13 times and FF9, also from start to finish, a grand total of 10 times -_-;;
  9. Bemused Dreamer
    Bemused Dreamer
    Yay, a Reno fan <3 I was rather depressed to see him drop out so early from the tournament thing that's been going on ;__;

    Uh, anyway. FF X-2, I just couldn't bring myself to like it at all. I liked FF X, I really did. I thought 2 was a rather poor continuation of X .___.; I could only stand to play it once and even then, I kinda threw up my arms and gave up on trying for the 100&#37; finish thing.

    I do wish FF IX was more popular. People don't seem to like it as much, and I can't figure out why ;__; Quite honestly, I liked IX a whole lot better than VIII, though that one gets much more fan attention. (Though I adored the squeaky Moombas One of the high points of the game... along with Zell....)
  10. .tokiko
    , Me and my bf is saving up for a Playstation 3. I want FF versus xiii sooo bad and I can't wait for it to come out XD
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