aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Final Fantasy Addicts

  1. KakashiMorph
    PS3 version of FF VII? :O Will it have the same plot with just better graphics? *drools at the thought of VII with AC graphics*
    I want to see how XIII and XIII versus come out. >< They should hurry up and finish them.
  2. lilSsjGirl
    It would be great xD however I also want a remake of FFVIII :O oh well dreams are nice
    Btw I love Squall, Rinoa, Cloud, Zack, Seph, Vincent, Auron, Vivi and some more xD.. haha
  3. burningfire
    cant wait until FFXIII and versus and (dont forget) agito are released
  4. EvanNJames
    I really have an unhealthy addiction to Reno of the Turks, but whatever!
  5. Himmelmez
    WOW a remake of FF VII is just what I've always hoped and dreamed about <3
    Can't wait for FFXIII and versus too, I shall only buy a PS3 when the FF titles are out >.<'

    By the way, I'm so glad that a Zack Fair card is going to be added in this forums iShop (only hope that it won't be lv10 cause it would be too expensive)
  6. Bemused Dreamer
    Bemused Dreamer
    I adore Reno <3

    A-and Zack's gonna be added?! Yay!

    And yeah, I'll probably also hold back on getting a PS3 until some FF titles are out... and if I hear good things about them. I didn't really feel much of a need to play FF XII, and I kinda near hated X-2, so hoping to God that XIII and Versus will be very, very good.
  7. xHighOnHorrorx
    OH YEAH! *does victory dance* im so happy theres a FF club! ... i just joined btw :B so Er howdy there!? how're ya'll...

    favourite mascot has to be good'ol cloud or sephiroth he just plain rox liek >> so yah
  8. aarinfantasy
    Hi guys, if you are interested in Seifer x Zell (FF8) fanfic, click on:

    *This is the first fanfic that led me to all this yaoi craze... without it, I don't think this forum or my love for yaoi will ever exist*
  9. aarinfantasy

    OMG Crossovers of FF characters in one official game - Dissidia!
  10. Anko Shirayuki
    Anko Shirayuki
    Wowz x.x that Dissidia is sooooooooooooo cool! Dead Fantasy too. It says "to be continued" so does that mean there's a Part 3? Thanks so much for sharing. I'm in love with FF all over again. Hello to all new members! Hi, aarin ^^ *WAVES*
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