aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Final Fantasy Addicts

  1. synnesai

    Yeha - it's called coded ((god the KH group is awfully quiet come to think of it...)) and my friend has the first KH cell phone game on his phone ((I played it - sorta hard to move xD and I couldn't figure out how to jump on this box for the longest time! Till he did it for me xD))

    Coded isn't necessary to have in order to understand the game though x3
  2. yami_no_miko
    @Bemused Dreamer : Aah, Before Crisis -_- ... don't twist the knife in the wound ... *sob* I so hoped to learn more about Vincent's past in Shinra Corp !

    @SoraV : He he, you're welcome once again ^_^ ! But please don't eat the whole plate or I'll be told off by Anko again ^_^;; ... *hides under keyboard*
    Hmm ... come to think of it, isn't there any emulator for mobile games ? Since they can crack the PSX protection, doing that shouldn't be a problem ...

    @Synnesai : Lucky we can still understand the games ! Or we'll be out of the race -_- ... Still sad we'll have to stick up with tetris on our phones, though XD !
    But maybe, one day ....
  3. aarinfantasy
    Hello everyone!~ I saw Final Fantasy and GOT to join this Social Group!~ lol... That's where Aarin"Fantasy" comes from really XD

    I am a huge fan since FF3/6 and lots of characters that I like especially FF8. I like other FF series too~

    I won't be active since there's a lot to do around the forum, but please let me be part of the Social Group~~~ hehe
  4. SoraV
    @Yami_no_miko: Haha oh well, can't eat the whole plate. But I'll be sure to share. XD
    I dunno about the mobile games. Kind of confuses me. All I know is that I can't play mobile games. -_-;

    And welcome Aarinfantasy! Of course you can be part of the group, I'm sure Anko-san doesn't mind. After all, she let me in.
  5. synnesai
    hahah hey - tetris is pretty darn fun xD

    and hiiii aarin~~
  6. yami_no_miko
    @Aarinfantasy : Welcome, welcome ^_^ ! Of course you can stay, Anko surely won't mind ! *takes the plate back from SoraV* Here, have a cookie~ <3 !

    @SoraV : Me neither ! But I'll try to find some infos on the subject ... *still trying to be optimistic*

    @Synnesai : Ha ha, Tetris fan, huh XD ? Helps passing time when you don't have a PS2 nearby XD !
  7. synnesai
    dude - I own at tetris x3

    it it weren't for old school games - there'd be no Final fantasy ((what's worst - no kingdom hearts -died-))
  8. yami_no_miko
    Yup ^_^ ! I'll never ever sell my Megadrive XD !
    No FF or KH ... *tries to imagine ... ... ... ... faints*
  9. aarinfantasy
    I love Tetris too =x Anyone played Tetrinet before? I used to be so addicted to it 10 years ago... but not as addicted as FF games... hoho~
  10. YuuramForever
    I luv Final Fantasy! I have 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, tactics and KH I, 2, AND CoM! My favorite one is FF7 though and I heard they were planning to make a remake! Yay! I wanna see the cross-dressing Cloud scene! and I luv tactics too! I want the remake dammit! and I want crisis core too but I don't have a psp...
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