aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

New members introduction

  1. kiruasama
    Hello I'm a fan of FF, my favorite is FFVII. I do like crisis core, advent children too, I've never played dirge cerberus because I'm not good with shooting game ! I never get tired of playing FFVII !
  2. wobert
    hi ff fans! name's jake, i'm 20 and i'm from brazil.
    i really like the ff games and my favorites are ff6, ff10 and crisis core.
  3. fujiyoshi
    Halo! I just love FF bishies! I also love the game too!
    Hate the company thou... they made FF like tools for milking money nowadays D:
  4. LunaticCrow21
    Yo! Joined today mwuahahah
    I like I, II, VII (whole series), VIII, X, XIII and XIII-2, oh and the tactics ones (although I'm stuck on one >.<)
    Glad to meet you all!
  5. DarkAngelTrish
    Hi everyone!

    Just joined and a big fan of FFVIII.
  6. Avinacode101
    I'll post! It looks like most people are lurkers here. x3 Its okay, I'm a lurker too. I love all of FF though VII holds a special place in my heart. My favorites, in order, are VII, IX, VI.

    Joined to meet people who like Final Fantasy! The general gaming section is kind of slow moving and there's not much going on in terms of FF-related discussion. xD
  7. MaitahUzumaki13
    Ohayo, my names Maitah Uzumaki and I love FF ever since I first saw the video game I fell in love and when I was introduced to yaoi I just kept thinking how hot a lot o them looked together and in my mind I'm married to cloud, sephoirth an genisis oh and Leon
  8. Raphaella
    Yo everyone. Thanks for the awesome group, hope to participate in discussions and such. Currently playing FF12 for the third time, going after all the Espers and Marks I didn't bother with before. Amazing how much time you spend just running back and forth 8-) Played FF7 too many times to count, and DOC twice as much. Still have yet to finish FF9, though.

    Anyway, stay frosty
  9. binarywoman
    Hi! My name is Leigh. I started playing with Final Fantasy VII. I have it on my PSP atm too still (I bought it a long time ago just so I could play it while at dr's appointments and such). I am also a huge fan of the advent children movie that came out and my favorite is obviously anything related to FFVII (like the prequel that featured Zack). I'm new to yaoi but apparently I've been reading yaoi fan fiction for a couple years and didn't know that was what it was called (though don't ask me to pronounce it, I butcher the word all the time). I love pairings involving Cloud, Zack or even Sephiroth, but not very often. I'm glad to see other fans of the series, I just joined aarinfantasy.com recently.
  10. Raphaella
    Hi - nice to see new yaoi fans. I've always pronounced it yow-wee (or yow-ee), as do a lot of other people (here in England, anyway).

    I wouldn't say you're new to yaoi if you've been reading it for a few years, just new to the term I love Cloud, Zack and Sephiroth pairings, as well, although my fav pairing is Cid/Vincent - Valenwind as the fans have so fondly named it.

    So do you dabble in wiriting or drawing? Or just reading?
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