aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The Sexiest Character of FF

  1. PurpleLightningDeathAngel
    Male: Cloud, from FF VII
    Female: Lightning from XIII
  2. freekmijnliefje
    I can never choose one...
    Male: Kefka (VI), Hojo (VII), Baush (XII), Kuja (IX)
    Female: Irma (Chocobo Tales), Aerith (VII)
    Other: Volg (Chocobo Tales... He turns human so it counts~!)
  3. spirited_soul
    Sexiest FF character is Sephiroth!

    SquareEnix sure thinks so.^^
  4. LadyXue
    The sexiests ones...

    Male: Sephiroth.
    Female: Rinoa.
  5. Zack
    The sexiest Character.....
    Hands down--> Sephiroth!

    Zack, Cloud, Reno, and Squall are sexy too.
  6. JuBaggins
    Male: Sephiroth, by far. Edgar, Zack and Balthier are also worth mentioning. Cloud is gorgeous, but I think he's more adorable than sexy XD

    Female: Rydia, Edea, Fran and Terra.
  7. nanamie
    Huh... I'd have to say FF9's Kuja and FFX's Lulu
  8. ShadowYinYang
    Male: Cloud XD but...after a while it dropped and instead of him being the smexiest beast I ever laid eyes on he became the prettiest boy I ever laid eyes on^^;

    Not long after, it would have to be Vincent Valentine that got the title as my sexiest guy in FF! As of now he's tied with Squall Leonhart though^^;

    Femalel: This could just be a girl-crush, or I'm actually bi but I don't know, Lightning is smokin! And she's awesome to boot!
  9. LumiTiikeri
    Hmm, yes.

    Male - Vincent
    Female - Fang
  10. ugaluga
    Male- Zack, Sephiroth, Squall, Reno, Rufus (in FF7:AV so hot)
    Female: Quistis (FF8), Tifa, Lulu, Fran (the veira from 12)
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