aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

What FF Games do you own?

  1. ClearSnow
    * Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls (Game Boy Advance)
    * Final Fantasy IV (Nintendo DS)
    Final Fantasy VII (PS1)
    Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (PSP)
    Final Fantasy VIII (PS1)
    * Final Fantasy IX (Technically for PS1 but I bought it through the PS Store so...)
    Final Fantasy X (PS2)
    Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2)
    Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
    Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
    Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3)
    Dissidia: Final Fantasy (PSP)
    Dissidia 012 (PSP)
    Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift (Nintendo DS)

    * = I actually have these but haven't played them yet. Not enough free time
  2. LunaticCrow21
    Oh this is gunna be embarrassing, everyone has such a long list >.<

    - I (PS1)
    - II (PS1)
    - VII: Dirge of Cerberus (PS2)
    - VII: Crisis Core (PSP)
    - X (PS2)
    - X-2 (PS2)
    - XIII (PS3)
    - XIII-2 (PS3)
    - Dissidia (PSP)
    - Dissidia duodecim (PSP)
    - Tactics: War of the Lions (PSP)
  3. BlackCrystall13
    Hey there! Just joined recently and I reaaly addicted to Final Fantasy, though I didn't play it from the first though... orz
    Final Fantasy VII (PS1)
    Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (PSP)
    Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus (PS2)
    Final Fantasy VIII (PS1)
    Final Fantasy IX (PS1)
    Final Fantasy X (PS2)
    Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2)
    Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
    Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
    Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3)
    Final Fantasy Dissidia 012 [duodecim] (PSP)

    anyone know when versus gonna released? I really wanted to play it
  4. Anheru
    FF VII (PS1)
    FF VII Crisis Core (PSP)
    FF VII Dirge of Cerberus (PS2)
    FF VIII (PS1)
    FF XIII (XBOX 360)
    FF XIII-2 (XBOX 360)
    FF DISSIDIA the first one and the 012 [duodecim] one (PSP)
  5. ShadowYinYang
    When i list them, I count the games as the game no matter the system or whether or not it's a remake:

    2, 3, 4, 7, Crisis Core,Dirge of Cerberus, 8(kinda), 9, 10, 10-2, Dissidia 012, Crystal Chronicles, Crystal Bearers, and if it counts: my brother owns 13 and 13-2 and I get to play it.

    I did have one of the Tactics but I found it really boring
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