aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Your favourite couple

  1. vessto
    Hello to all and thank you for joining the group!

    *gives cookies with the shape of Chiharu*

    A little bit trivial question but I know it is just unavoidable. Which is your most fav couple from Sensei's works? Mine is Chiharu/Kazuki, I'm melting everytime I read about them. Chiharu surely knows how to keep his lover in the bed for a long time.
  2. sarah3161
    and thank u(vessto)4 this lovly group (its one of the best yaoi manga i have ever seen)
    i must say that all the couples were extremely cuuuute & sweet they all have diffrent story but we see them together
    any way my fav couple would be (Chiharu & Kazuki) why? cause i find (Chiharu)sweet and loving Although he can be really scary well even (Kazuki) is scary somtimes
  3. SeirenDai
    Haha My fav is also KazukixChiharu cos I would love to be Kazuki and be held by Chiharu

    My second fav is DiegoxKaoru cos I love that dynamic ^__^
Results 1 to 3 of 3