aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Geezer Geeks

  1. dharmaserenity
    Yeah, seriously don't rub it in, Artemis. I haven't been on because I've been too busy applying buckets of anti-wrinkle cream :P
  2. eliddell
    @dharmaserenity--But how can we make this world regain its respect for maturity and wisdom if people insist on appearing younger than they are? ;P
  3. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    You guys suck lol My hair is thinning already if that makes you feel better. HAPPY?!
  4. dharmaserenity
    lol you're right. I should accept my wrinkles, and Artemis' thinning hair.
  5. arinna

    *i sprout the occasional white hair, due to stressful lifestyle but i pluck it as soon as i spot it. not prepared to grow old yet *
  6. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Ugh I've had white hair since I was eighteen ... it tends to sprout out in the front, framing my face. Lovely. And my hairdresser lied to me and said she couldn't see any ... I almost didn't tip her
  7. sommar
    I have one white hair in my eyebrow that tends to sprout over night even though I continue to pull it out... yikes, it's like grampa hair! ... beat that if you can
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    omg, that is freaky Use mascara or something
  9. dharmaserenity
    We are a sorry bunch LOL.
  10. makiyuki
    For some reason that is beyond my understanding, my husband has a magnifying mirror on the bathroom vanity. Saturday I happened to grab it to check my make-up. It was unbelieveable how bad my wrinkles looked. Anti-wrinkle cream wouldn't even make a dent. Thank goodness it didn't look so bad in the regular mirror.
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