aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Geezer Geeks

  1. arinna
    poor parents... i'm 28 and my father wants grandchildren. i don't ...
  2. eliddell
    Thankfully, my parents gave up on me years ago and are now looking to my brother as their only possible source of grandchildren. Now all he has to do is find a girlfriend . . .
  3. blue_genjutsu
    Yeah, I'm in my 40's and have never been married nor had children. And I'm quite happy about this after seeing how things have turned out for my 2 younger sisters. One has been married and divorced twice and doesn't even pay much attention to her children and the other is unhappily married and not too long ago, lost one of her children. As much as I love children, I don't think I'd be a good parent either.

    @ArtemisMS, yeah, I've seen some women like that, too. But the men I've run across were much ruder and mean about it. I used to be a truck driver, so I ran across all kinds of older men that were very prejudiced about many things.
  4. RueDauphin
    My poor parents are still waiting for grandkids. They're so optimistic, but they refuse to acknowledge that I'm from the "copulate, don't populate" school of thought.
  5. makiyuki
    I love kids, however, I like them to visit and go home with their parents.
    @ Rue, I belong to that school of thought as well.
  6. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    LOL I actually love children and would love to be a mom ... I may adopt some day, but who knows, that day will be far in the future, I think. I want to be an aunt very badly, but I never say anything, don't want to pressure my brother and sister And my friends are popping out babies like crazy, so it's like everyone has baby fever around me.
  7. dharmaserenity
    I don't have children, but who knows. If things settle down work wise, I might consider it if I still have time. I'm not around kids a lot these days so it would take getting used to, for sure.

    Oh, I have rheumatoid arthritis due to fibromyalgia. I had it in my early teens, but 2 years ago it got really, really bad. There is this test in blood work called "Titer" which is a measure of your level of inflamation in your system. Well, a high reading is 200 or more. My level was over 10,000. I literally had 5 or more joints flared up and swollen at any given time and I moved like an old person for a bit and took painkillers like crazy. It really was awful. My rheumatologist put me on muscle relaxers called cyclobenziprine which broke the pain cycle by enabling me to get a deep night's sleep. I guess what happened to me was I wasn't getting a deep sleep even though I thought I was (never thought myself a light sleeper, would sleep straight through the night) and this would give my joints and muscles time to repair. And because I wasn't in pain any more (I'm pretty pain free now) I got a better night's sleep to boot. Vicious cycle before I took those muscle relaxers. I wouldn't wish arthritis on anyone because it is just so debilitating.

    On a lighter note, I finally saw Eastern Promises. Viggo Nekkid but what a gruesome fight scene that was lol. I wanted to holler, "hey, hold up!" just so I could appreciate all his tattoos
  8. kaijai
    I saw this group title so I just had to come over and check it out. After reading some entries I had to join.

    I have a child. It is one of the highpoints in my life. But how do you explain your liking or somewhat obsession with m/m sex to a teenager. I have given up trying to explain it or even hiding it. He must know its there, it is in plain sight (there is a haru picture for my wallpaper) On my side, I don't comment about his anime porn stash. (He is 17 - he is allowed to have a porn stash as long as he is carefull where he gets it at.) That way peace reigns in the house or at the very least a lot fewer blushes and awkward siliences.

    As for grandchildren - there better not be any until we are both much older (and yes I had all the sex ed talks with him). I hope he follows my example and waits untill he is much older.

    As for squeeing, I don't. As a person in her middle 40's I perfer to take a calm quiet approuch. I'll just sit here quietly drooling over the men.
  9. Lent
    God, I thought I was the only one suffering baby pressure ... I'm the only girl and have four brothers, so guess who my mom looks at when it comes to grandchildren.
  10. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    I tease my mom all the time, telling her I CAN get pregnant if she'd like. Then the horror of having an unmarried pregnant daughter washes over her, and she begs me not to do it
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