aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. Dragoness_blade
    -chuckles, my hands running up and down his back- yes. and you were awesome. I had no idea you could use a lemon, a mop, and a toothbrush as a weapon.
  2. Siren Xeno
    Siren Xeno
    *grins at Craig* I love ze way you 'ate me
  3. renaru
    *looks at Craig* y.. you hate h..him?
  4. Dragoness_blade
    I never said that. but my dreams apparently do. i guess my subconscious just can't decide if it SHOULD like him or kick his teeth in.
  5. Siren Xeno
    Siren Xeno
    *chuckles, taking a deep drag*
  6. renaru
    *curls up on Craig, looking over at mole* d..do you hate Craig?
  7. Siren Xeno
    Siren Xeno
    *smiles at Tweek* Non, 'ow could I 'ate ze one my petit loves?
  8. Dragoness_blade
    -stares blankly at Mole- Thanks i guess?
  9. Siren Xeno
    Siren Xeno
    *shrugs* I 'ave to surprise you all occasionally, oui?

    (dude. . .writing a Crisgory fic right now xD SEX~!)
  10. renaru
    *smiles at mole* t..thank you..*blushes and turns back to Craig* a..and i do love you..
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