aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. renaru
    *sits on the bathroom floor sipping coffee* h...hey Butters
  2. Siren Xeno
    Siren Xeno
    *plops down in the corner, sharpening his knives* Good morning petit, Craig, Butters. . .
  3. blonde180246
    *sits up* oopps h-hey fellers, I'm not really 'appropriate' at the moment *sits back, my head sticking through the suds*
  4. Siren Xeno
    Siren Xeno
    *chuckles* I do not sink any of us are ever all zat appropriate, in any manner of ze word.
  5. renaru
    *hums into my coffee* y...yeah...
  6. Siren Xeno
    Siren Xeno
    *tosses a pack of cigarettes to Tweek* I got you your own. *grins*
  7. renaru
    *looks at him, and smiles for a second* t..thank you.. i.. could b..buy them m..myself but i... d..didnt w..want t..to smoke too much.. u..until i.. w..well GAH! until i met you...a..actually.
  8. Siren Xeno
    Siren Xeno
    *chuckles* I seem to 'ave zat affect on people. At least zees way you can deecide when you 'ave one, oui?
  9. renaru
    *nods and opens the pack* oui... *stops and thinks about what i just said* y..yes *bites my lip and trembles trying to light one* s..stupid s..sh..shaking..GAH!
  10. Siren Xeno
    Siren Xeno
    *smirks as he walks over and lights it for him.* Zat was very cute, petit. You should speak French more often.
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