aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

Sex Pistols _ Love Mode Lovers

  1. kurorinslvr
    Demeter and welcome, we all want more of sex pistols ^-^, i am not sure but a chapter is coming out soon, i have to check
  2. Isan
    Unfortunatly, there's no chapter coming out anytime soon. Still nothing scheduled for both april's and may's beboy. Meaning we get nothing this spring, let's hope the summer will prove to be more fructious. I'm having my doubts with that though. 2008 is not off to a great start for sexpi
  3. shattered
    oh noes! i cant believe they delayed it again! i thought sensei was better and ready to do more! i just hope that shiro gets some more action because poor thing is really being deprived atm!
  4. Isan
    Well it's not so much as delayed as non-existant cuz they never said anywhere that there'd be more after ch28~

    Personally I don't really believe the sick rumors, because well they are just that, rumors XDDD
    If I always believed those concerning mangaka, I'd always be freaking out, you know?

    The Hunter x Hunter mangaka was supposed to actually be dead according to the lastest rumors before he magically resurrected and did a couple more chapters out of the blue before stopping again
    It's quite scary really haha
  5. spirited_soul
    Well I guess if she isn't feeling well then all we can do is be patient.

    It's not that much different from some of the other long waits I have had to endure for anime and manga
  6. spirited_soul
    We need some activity here. Did everyone vote in the next-chapter's-couple bet? Place your bets with Isan and maybe karma will get us another chapter this year!
  7. shattered
    i already did, but maybe i should up the stakes and raise the bet since i've had more points since then
  8. spirited_soul
    That's a good idea. I was actually thinking about changing my bet...
  9. shattered
    i keep forgetting that this place is also for love mode, i kept thinking, what's that picture doing in this sexpi group? i guess having one ongoing series combined with an unrelated finished series makes sexpi more talked about
  10. makiyuki
    You know these two mangas have some things in common...a crazy dysfunctional parent who tries to manipulate one child and lots of interesting couples. I wonder who would win Shogou vs Makio in a match-up.
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