aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection


  1. cabbit_girl
    no you can have something else if its under or about the other image, but not next to it, cuz you're already at max width
  2. MegaMaz
    If you have 100 tall and 500 wide, then you still have 100 x 500 left to use. ^.^'

    I think of it like math.

    500x200 = 100,000 px. (Aarin's pic size in sig limit)
    500x100 = 50,000

    So you still have 500x100 (or 50,000 px) left of space. You have a LIMIT of 100,000 px, but there's also the limit of the 500 px width and 200 px height. AND you can only use TWO pics in total, regardless if you've stayed within the size limit or not. And these pics, if they use the 500 px width must be on top of one another, NOT side by side, because then you will have gone over the max width at 1000 px.

    So say, you use two 500x100 pics in your sig (stacked, NOT side by side). You've reached the size limit and the maximum amount of pictures you can use.

    You use something like 3 500x25 banners (STACKED). You've stayed below the size limit at a total of 500x75 px. BUT you've gone over the picture limit.

    ...I hope I didn't confuse any newbies that might actually be reading this. >.> I'm not a mod, but I BELIEVE this is what the rules are concerning forum signatures and pic sizes.

    EDIT: I highlighted the 2 PIC RULE for emphasis and for cabbit_girl. Regardless of the fact that you managed to fit more than two pics into the size limit, THERE IS STILL THE FACT THAT YOU CANNOT HAVE MORE THAN TWO PICS IN YOUR SIG!!!
  3. cabbit_girl
    NOoooooooo its not total area...

    its like addition...

    so you have 500 for width

    and 200 for height...

    so if you have a image that's 100 tall x 500 wide

    500-500=0 you've reached your max width...nothing else can be NEXT to you image

    200-100 = 100, you have 100 pixles left to place above or below the current image


    you have a sig that's 450 wide and 100 tall.

    500-450 - 50, you can have an image that 50 pixels wide NEXT to your current sig.

    200-100=100 you can have an image that's 100 pixels tall above or below your sig.

    remember you can only have a MAX of 2 images in your sig.
  4. MegaMaz
    ...speaking of banners. I tried my hand at making one...it's HELLA LOT HARDER THAN IT LOOKS!!!

    Made from THIS screenshot.

  5. MegaMaz
    ...Are we saying the same thing in different ways, BB? Or did I just confuse people for no-good reason?
  6. cabbit_girl
    ah i dunno XD I've been cracking on sig rules all day today DX

    but don't go by total area...cuz some ppl think that if they put all the images together like a puzzle and they COULD fit in the box then they are fine... or if the area amount is the same then they are fine DX...but that DOES break sig rules DX
  7. kik
    thank you sooooo much! I think I got it now... <3
    Off to photoshop XD~
  8. MegaMaz
    I automatically went by total area because of the darned 'x' between numbers. And I find explaining multiplication easier than explaining addition or subtraction, for some odd, stupid reason...

    But yeah, I mentioned (edit: I have highlighted) the two pic rule. regardless of the fact that the total width and height are below the size limits.

    I learned that the hard way, back when I was a n00b. Back when I used to put pic links to my dragon scroll and was violently reminded of the fact that I couldn't place more than one egg in my sig because I had a set sig size of 500x175. Trial and error, but good times. Good times.
  9. Shanni
    I had 3 images in my sig and forgot about it *was spanked by cab* :O

    D: ... it was either the tofu or my aarin banner... :O ... but BUT I COULD COMBINE THEM :O


    @people who made banners If you want, you can upload them and put them in the social group gallery ... cuz it'll get lost somewhere in this thread

    *will be making more banners today* :O ....
  10. Shanni
    :O pic requested by Edokun519

    .... I think this dude is from FMA right?~


    Kaname Banner!~


    Final Fantasy Banner!~

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