Ok, post why you love him. It's the only reason you're joining, right? xD I love him cuz of him playing the best movies of all time and he's a sexy fine beast
I love his snarky, "I'm so awesome and I totally know it" attitude xDD
LOL.........XD........... THAT ATTITUDE MAKES HIM TOTALLY SEXY XD.... XD omg om gom gom g XD *Dies just thinking about it* we need more "just the pillow" moments >=(
~It'll take me 3894674956789 hours to list all my reasons. Just one word. SEXY.
YOU MADE THE GROUP!!!! AH, I love you Shanni
LOL XDD *glomps zah* XDDDD you were my inspiration OMG... THAT... PICTURE IS SO HAWT? .. WTF?! LIA?! WHERE DID YOU GET IT?!
...........*Shanni has just died...* You are invited to attend Shanni's funeral at xxx location and xxx time. Please bring pictures of RDJ to put in her casket.
@Shanni: You're not taking me yet xD That picture is SEXY!!!
~We love him cuz of this <3