aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

maba bamba a group for people that like to read books

  1. unsteady
    Ah, I've made a mistake, it's actually by donation on LibraryThing, most people give 25$ for the lifetime, but if you don't have that you can donate less for the same thing. Sorry for the misinfo.
  2. andri12
    the contest for a logo for the group has ended you can see the entry here http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/f32/t6...mba_group.html

    and to vote just send me pm whith your chose
  3. andri12
    see ours new logos and i thing it is time to get group at full steam so staring noune we will take 1 bok a month and if nou 1 minds then we will take The Vesuvius Club 1
  4. unsteady
    I love our new banners! Yay!

    The Vesuvius Club would be fine for me. Do we need to read it by a specific date?
  5. Faith_Lover
    Wow I really like the new logos X)
  6. Faith_Lover
    Yep Vesuvius club is fine with me too. I read an extract and then i just had to order it from amazon.co.uk. Should be here soon. I can't wait to read it!!
  7. cassiel
    A sort of question simply because I'm curious as to the answers of the rest of you.

    Please mention one book which you feel is an essential part of every bibliophiles collection.

    My answer; "Hypnerotomachia Poliphili" by Francesco Colonna.
    (Yes, I know... I am a super-nerd... -_-)
  8. cassiel
    The "loot" from the first day of this years book sale; 45 books.
    (I actually had to go home twice to get all of it back to my place.) Boooooooks... *happy drool* What can I say? Other people have real lives, I have books.
  9. unsteady
    Nice haul! I can't wait for my Libs book sale in March or April.

    My book that should be a part of every bibliophiles collection is, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell by Susanna Clark. Or maybe Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, but then again I think that should be part of anyone's collection...
  10. andri12
    @cassiel just 45 books most of the time go home with at least 60 books from a bookmarked maybe more if it is the big book farer (all book pulizers in my condry take part in it ) then more
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